They are really funny. Gracie loves to skype because she likes to see herself on the computer :) I am surprised at how well Wesleigh has done. She was skyping with Richard this morning and asked where I was. Richard said I was coming and Wesleigh said, "in China?". So cute!! She is doing great, but I miss that baby so much!!
We went to a really big park today and walked around. It was alot of fun. I'm going through the pictures now. I got called an ugly name in Chinese by an old lady who kept handing Gracie toys that she wanted us to buy. I looked at her and waved my finger and said "NO NO". She rolled her eyes and said "MaMa......." I didn't even have to ask for a translation :) But I also got whistled at by a few high school boys :) When I said "hi" They said "Ohhhh I happy to meet YOU"!! So funny!! At least everyone wasn't cursing at me! lol...
I'll post pics later!
It is great fun to see the two girl skyping. It will be even much more fun to see them growing up as sisters. Just amazing how LOVE can change and bless the lives of two little girls, and an entire family. God is certainly at work.
The McGowans have changed their morning routine to include getting up a few minutes early in order to have time to read the blog before heading to school!! What a magnificent way to begin our days. We wish yall continued safety and Godspeed. Kisses!
They are going to b so darling together!! I a sure that Wesleigh is ready for her mama bear to come home!
That's a great pic of the girls skying. They are going to have so much fun together! Is that your mom in the background? Glad to see she's feeling better!
I bet you are missing Miss W. I was missing her yesterday too and went back and looked at some old blogs just to get a glimpse of that cutie pie. :) I absolutely cannot wait to see the two girls together. I imagine them hand in hand running around and laughing. Can't wait to see your park pics of Miss Gracie too.
I can't WAIT to see these two together!!!
How do you suppose it will go the first few weeks? : )
Let's try to skype tomorrow. What are your plans for the day?
LOVE the sleeping pic! She's so adorable.
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