These pictures are from yesterday. We actually found the pet market today and I have some pics, but have a headache and don't see me downloading pics right now.
I love all these different faces of Gracie:

You have to keep a firm grip on this chick at all times! She has gotten away from us a few times and we have had to run to catch up with her! This time, she hopped up on this bench with this random guy!! He just looked down at her and laughed.

Another favorite Chinese word is "lala". It means "look". I also hear this about a million times a day :) When Richard isn't around she says "baba Lai?" Which means "where's baba?".

My last favorite Chinese word is "waaaaa" You'd have to hear it to get the intonation right. It means "awesome".

Yes, Richard has officially lost his mind. He spends his evenings coloring...not really with Gracie!!! He gets frustrated because she doesn't color in the lines and she messes up his pictures :) lol..... God, help me!!! Have I mentioned that it's really time for him to go back to work!!!

2 more sleeps in Guangzhou, then 1 in Hong Kong, then 28 hours of travel, then HOME!!
These pictures are awesome!! You can definitely tell from these pics that she is a hoot. So excited for yall that you are almost home and finally all under one roof.
Holla! Leave it to you to start picking up the local slang:) That Gracie CRACKS me up!!!! Love all her faces and her fearless spirit.
I am laughing at the thought of big hunting Richard coloring inside the lines:)
Praying the rest of the trip passes quickly for you and your trip home is easy.
Oh my gosh I'm laughing outloud at the man on the bench and your girl. This is hilarious! She is so beautiful. Love her and daddy coloring. My husband is taking off a month for the China trip, I must buy him his own color book and colors because he doesn't want the kids to break them lol..thank ky for sharing your blessed journey!
OMW...Gracie's hilarious!!! She's full of LIFE...:):). Hopefully when you get back home the boys can help keep her entertained.
Love all the pics!! Enjoy the rest of your journey! You'll be home soon...:)
Love all the posts. She is truly beautiful. I know you'll be glad to get home! Have a safe trip. Blessings, SAL
Oh how I laughed and just smiled at this little girl of yours....she is a MESS:) that is what we call Madeline all the time!! I can't wait to see her and Wesleigh together, they sure will compliment each other!!
Looks like Gracie is taking it all in with Richard's coloring technique....made me laugh out loud!!
Hope the next 2 days are just as lively....and then you are homeward bound whooo whoooo
She is a clown! LOVE IT! I would love to know what she is thinking in those serious shots.
It is proven that coloring is a great stress reliever... My mom uses that statement all the time when teaching her art stamp classes... They do a lot of coloring there! So your hubby is relieving stress...
LOVE the many faces of Gracie!!! SO darling and SO funny that she gets away~ well not really but funny to think about. Blessings as you make it to home!!!
Love her faces!! She is so funny!!!!!! And, Richard.. Too funny really. Poor guy, no diet coke, and in between the line issues. Praying for all of you to survive the next four days!!! :)
We learned that "Holla Holla" means all done. And, that "Ha" means ok! I am glad you clarified what "Where" means.. Because Emme says "Jie Jie La" or "BaBa la" all day long! :)
You have learned a lot in just a little over a week!!!
I can't wait to hear Gracie Joy with a Southern accent!!!
BTW: Emme's eating the MN version of grits today!
"Cream of Wheat!"
Soon you will be "Holla Holla!"
Cute post! Gracie is so precious! Can't wait to see your whole family together!
Each post is funnier than the previous one. Something tells me that the Doughty household is about to be FULL OF ENERGY!!!
She is a RIOT!!! Love all the faces. I look forward to getting up every morning and reading your posts with my breakfast!!
You are one blessed Mama and Im so happy for you and your family. Miss G and Miss W will have a blast together and I can't wait to follow that journey too!! Enjoy your last 3 days!!!
Got to love that girl and her many funny faces! She is a riot. Such spunk and personality.
Poor Richard... he is ready to return to work. Cracks me up about the coloring.
Not much longer and you will be home. I am sure it will be a great reunion with all of your precious children.
PS where did you get the t shirt "Little Mei Mei" that you gave to Emme Jade? I love it would love to find one for a boy.
She's is so stinkin' cute!! I bet your boys will have a blast with her and it seems Wesleigh may need to do some of the stress-relieving coloring after a busy day trying to keep up with her sister! :)
Oh my, your Gracie looks so fun and just full of personality! Thanks for sharing your cute photos.
Your Gracie is a hoot! Tons of personality!!! :) Don't you know, that guy will remember her for a long time! ;) She's adorable!!!
You can tell from the "many faces of Gracie" what kind of personality she has! She's hilarious!!
Not long before everybody is reunited! So Exciting!!!
I'm literally laughing out loud at the picture of Richard coloring and what you wrote about it. Totally bringing him a coloring book on Saturday. Oh, and the pics of Gracie are precious. I swear she looks prettier all the time :) Can't WAIT to see y'all!!!! Love you!
She is such a cutie... Safe travels home!
Oh my goodness! Hilarious all the Chinese Gracie is teaching you :) I love that the man on the bench just laughed - like he knew that girl was wearing you out :-)
I love the photo of her on the bench with the "man". That is so funny. She is fearless. Beautiful and will have your hands full with this girl ;)
Oh my!!! What wonderful photos of your beautiful girl! What a sweet bundle of BIG personality!!!!!
Sara :)
Our guide said, "Holla, holla!" to Anna Grace whenever she would cry. I have used those words many times since then.
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