She started posing for me....twisting and turning in different directions. SO funny!

She wasn't mad...just giving me another angle to photograph :) Very impressive cutting of the eyes though!

Gracie has done great. We haven't had any grieving at all, which concerns me a little. She has been happy ever since the "flip" in Walmart on the first day. She has seemed to settle a little, although I never expect her to be completely calm. I can't wait for the two girls to meet! I am a little concerned for the adjustment period, but after that, I think we'll be great! Wesleigh went to pre-school orientation Wed!! I hated to miss it!
Here's a pic my mom sent me:

Boy do I miss that little teacup!!!
They are both supposed to start Monday, but I'm going to give them a week or two to bond with each other before I send them. I am already so thrilled that I made the call to register them both!! Those 3 mornings a week are going to be HEAVEN!! Wesleigh has done so great while we've been gone! She loves to skype and if one of us is missing when the call starts, she immediately asks where we are. She loves to see Gracie on skype too.
Wesleigh looks so small when I see her in pics and on skype! Gracie outweighs her by about 5 lbs! While we were at the consulate, our guide picked her up (I think just to see how much she weighs!). She could not believe it! Then this random older woman who had been standing there watching us picked her up because she wanted to see :) She groaned and put her down! lol...Gracie didn't mind one bit that some random woman was lifting her.
I can definitely see signs of attachment to us. When she was playing on the playground the last time, she kept looking for us and waving...making sure we were still there. (Funny, since we're the ones having to make sure SHE is still there!) If Richard hugs and/or kisses me, she has to get one for herself. Wesleigh does the same thing...so cute! Last night, Richard popped a "blemish" on my nose and Gracie thought he was being ugly to me. She immediately came to my side and started staring him down. When he gave me a kiss, she started smiling and wanted one for herself.
She is understanding more English, for sure. She knows her English name, she knows the word "sit", and she knows "pick your feet up" (as in, stop dragging them on the dang ground when you're in the stroller!!). I am sure there is alot more, I just haven't seen absolute proof of it. She can count to 3 on her own and repeat the rest. She has started learning the ABC song, and loves for me to sing the "Itsy bitsy Spider" (she does the hand motions). Honestly, I think she will be easier to understand than Wesleigh pretty quick!
Alright...since I'm the only one awake this morning, I'm rambling. I just woke up for the last time in Guangzhou!! As much as I love this city...I am SO ready to leave it!!! I can't get on that plane soon enough! We will take the train to Hong Kong tonight and stay the night there. We then get up the next morning and head for home!!! I can't believe I have only 1 more night in China!! Whoo Hoo!!
We have spent a total of a month in China over the past 2 years! What an experience! One that I never expected to have in my lifetime. We feel so blessed to have been called to add these two sweet girls to our family. I cannot wait to see how everything settles into place. Never in my life did I expect to be the mother of 5!! That number is still overwhelming to me...but I am so blessed!!
I don't think I will be posting again from China, so this is it!! The end of journey #2. Thank you for all of your support and kind comments throughout this trip....they mean so much! I get a huge kick out of sharing our journey with you.
I leave you with this:
If you have ever thought to yourself "I think I would like to adopt" or "I wish I could do that"...DO IT. Nothing worth having in this life is easy. There is nothing more worthwhile that you could do with you resources of time and money. Nothing more rewarding than having another child call you Mama. This journey to Gracie Joy was a journey of faith. It did not make sense in the physical...money was tight...time was tight...I already had four children. I cannot imagine, however, the blessings and joy we would have missed out on had we not listened to the call!
I never want to live my life and at the end of it look back and say "I missed it. I missed the one thing I was supposed to do with my life". If you have not seen the video Richard and I made on adoption for our church, please watch it (It's on my sidebar). It is our heart.
Love you all...Goodbye from China!! See you in the USA!!

Oh my, she is a cutie pie
Oh my god, I lost it with this post! We received travel approval yesterday, i just can't believe we will be in the same position as you so very soon.....safe travels home and here's to an easy transition with everyone!! xoxo
Safe travels home!!!
Safe travels home, thanks for sharing so much, it was a joy to follow you all. Wesleigh looks adorable in that pink bow.
Lynette in Laf.
Blessings to you and your family! I wish you safe travels home and thank you for sharing your journey.
I sure am going to miss getting up tomorrow to read your post:)!!! Amen for Gods calling to adopt THE best decision we ever made and SO very thankful we listened!
Praying for safe travels for you all. I adore your sweet girl and can't wait to see her and Wesleigh together!
What a beautiful post....your Gracie Joy is one beautiful little girl and we are so happy to have been on this journey with you. Travel safe and we can't wait to see the whole family together at last:)
Congratulations again!
I loved your post!! You said it so perfectly, would hate to get to a point in my life where it's too late, and we missed out on what we were called to do! Y'all are such an awesome family and are so blessed! I've loved following y'all on this trip! I can't wait to see pics of your family together again!
Love y'all!
Praying for safe travels and that Gracie does well on the long flight home. She looks adorable in her red, white, and blue. And Wesleigh looks like she has grown in these 2 weeks too. Can't wait to see them together and to see your precious sons with their new little sister.
I have truly enjoyed traveling along!! I know you can't wait to see the kiddo's back home! It's gonna be really eye-opening to see how much they have "grown" in the last two weeks!! Praying for a wonderful fligh home!!
See ya in the USA!!
Although I've waited anxiously for each and every post and haved loved all of them, this is my fave!! I adore you and your heart for adoption. I love hearing your story and following your family's journey. I'm so honored to be related you. I can't wait to hear about Gracie "at home" with Wesleigh and the boys. She might give the boys a run for their money ;) I love you so much and can't wait for the next "installment." Praying for safe and peaceful travel.
I love this post too Jen. It is so from your heart. I could hear your voice as I read it. I love your passion for adoption and how you word it here.
Gracie is so truly beautiful and I love her spicy ways. You two are gonna have fun.
This last photo is stunning!!!!
Have a safe trip home sweet friend. Can't wait to see you on the other side!!!
I also wanted to say--I know you will be tired, but don't keep us waiting too long for the homecoming pictures!!!! Can't wait to see her with Wesleigh and the boys!
Let me add that I feel so much admiration and gratefulness for you and Richard obeying God's call on your life and adding these two precious ones to our family. I certainly never knew how much adoption would affect our family. Very soon the number of our adopted grandchildren will equal the number of our biological grandchildren, and every one of them is truly and uniquely a gift from God. I thank him every day. I am so proud of you and of each of my children for obeying God in their individual and different callings in life.
(PawPaw is busy playing play dough - neither of us has had as much time to post comments this time Ha! but that doesn't mean that we aren't anxiously waiting to meet you, Gracie Joy!)
From one blessed grandma!
Thank you SO much for posting this! As a young woman my heart has always been pulled towards adopting a daughter and your beautiful post and family just reaffirms my heart that one day I will be able to fulfill this dream and blessing. Safe travels and enjoy your new southern belle!
I love this post! I have always said that one day I would like to adopt and following your journey has only made me want to adopt even more!! Thank you so much for sharing this journey and your life with all of us. Gracie is so special and I feel like I love her! I am so glad she gets to be part of your family. May God always bless y'all!!!
Enjoyed following your journey to Gracie! Have safe travels home and will be looking forward to see the homecoming and upcoming interaction between your two girls, how exciting!!
So happy for you all! She's a cutie pie! Safe travels! We'll both cross almost the entire world combined on Sat as i'll be flying home from Europe :)
Safe travels!!! Im sure she will charm the people on the flight home! ;-)
Loved Loved following along!! Now I need a new family to follow, come on Lori B. get that referral! ha
Anyways thanks for sharing with all of us in the cyber world. Cant wait to see all 5 of your kiddos together. She is going to adore her big brothers!!!!!!!! And her and Miss W will be two peas in a pod.
Oh, I just can't wait to see that Spicy Girl home with The Tea Cup!!!!!!! Sugar and Spice together soon!!! And, I can't wait to be back on the same time zone again!!! It has been a blessing to watch you and Richard step out in faith to adopt Gracie Joy!!! I can't think of a better family for your precious girl!!! She is going to continue to amaze you as she blossoms by the love of your amazing family, her Grandparents, and all who support you!
Gracie Joy, I have known you were special since the day I first saw your pictures at Pearl River.. There was something truly extraordinary about you... You have overcome many obstacles, and God has protected you every step of the way.. Now, God has chosen this very time for you to spread your wings baby girl.. You were loved before your Mama and Baba ever got to hold you or see your silly, spunky, amazing personality!!! I have had the privilege of watching from the beginning... And, I promise to continue to lift you up and watch as you become all you were born to be! You are special Gracie Joy!
I can't wait to welcome you all home, and to one day be together again.. Hopefully, Soon!!!!!
Hugs from MN,
LOVE IT!!! Safe and enjoyable travels home to you! Can't wait to hear about re-entry. :)
Reading this with tears streaming down my face.... What a beautiful post. Gracie is a treasure and I new that when I first laid eyes on her. You will be forever filled with a spice in your family. I love it though!! She might have to go into Cheer team or something so she can ham it up!!
So glad the girls will be in preschool together. Wesleigh is so cute and just sweet looking. She looks like she has a gentle and sweet personality.
As I type this you are sleeping in HK or waking up early for your flight. I pray that you have a safe flight and that Gracie will sleep!! JJ had a little bit of a cold and we were able to give him Tylenol. That helped to get him to sleep.
God speed home to your adorable family!!
Can't wait to see the homecoming photos, continued prayers for safe travels. Loved your words about adoption, we almost let the money thing get in the way, soooo glad we didn't!!!
Oh, Jennifer - you are the only one I know that can post about a zit and your silly, beautiful Chinese girl all in one post :)
Happy you are heading home and will be loving on all five of your kiddos!!
We've never met, but we have followed your blog the whole time you have been in China. Gracie Joy is such a beautiful little girl! I'm amazed at how well she is doing! Your words in this post really spoke to me. We just this week got PA for TWO little girls. We had originally planned for one, but God seems to have other plans. I have been absolutely terrified as I contemplate the expense and time of going from 2 to 4 children. Your words helped me put things back into perspective. I'm still scared, but I know this is what God is calling us to do. We'll be praying for you for safe travels home!
I have to admit that reading this really makes me want a third. Maybe it's because Gracie's cute cheeks remind me of the cute cheeks I kiss every morning1
I hope your flight home is uneventful!
Beautifully written my friend! Welcome Almost Home! I CANNOT WAIT to see the pics of those two sisters together!!
Keeping prayers for a smooth ride home. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us!
I can't wait to see photos of her and Wesleigh together! And her brothers too!
Sophia grieved the first day and never again. She attached easily and quickly and has been just a dream come true for us.
Perhaps Gracie will transition easily too.
What a doll :)
Wow! What a post! Your journey of faith has been evident... and you've walked it!! Praise the Lord!
Jennifer, I love the last photo of you with your second baby girl! Beautiful!!
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