Anytime I tell her to take a picture with Baba, she wraps her arm around his neck...very sweet.

Today, looking at the fish in the White Swan. Yes...this was risky...I made Richard take her to make sure she didn't end up swimming with the fish!

I think this is my favorite hairstyle so far :)

My sweet girl.

This girl can eat some noodles!! She is so cute when she shoves them in her mouth and slurps them up!!

We're having a great day so far. We visited a buddist temple (not my favorite outing) and then went to the pearl market. If Gracie had been a little calmer, this would have been more enjoyable...but I got what I needed. I even found some Chinese Dora videos :)
During Gracie's nap I snuck out and visited was heavenly! I also got to go into a few shops without my energetic 3 yr. old. It was a good break! We are now off to the pet market. We didn't do this last time, but I have a feeling Gracie is going to LOVE it!!
Some of you have asked about my mom. She is doing much are so sweet to ask. They seem to have everything under control at home :) I'm sure they will deserve a long vacation when we get back!!
Let's be honest.. She can wear any hairstyle!!!! But, I agree this is precious on her. So is that cute dress!!!
Love her purse! :)
Love from MN at 3:17am!
Di and Emme Jade
What a great close up pic of her laughing!! Her hair looks SO cute in buns...what a doll!
She really can rock the hairstyles! I adore that halter dress. She is really a beautiful little girl. It will interesting to see her and Wesleigh together-I think they are going to compliment one another though. When do you all come home? I am glad your mom is doing good!
A-DOR-A-BLE hairstyle! Thank God she sits still long enough to let you fix her hair. :)
Your stories of Gracie just crack me up. I imagine you trying to get your camera ready to take a picture of her doing something and by the time you are ready, she is "done" with that thing and on to the next. My nickname for her is Racie Gracie because I picture yall running after her all over China. LOL
I love reading your blog so don't take this next comment personally, but I would love to read an entry from Richard and get his take on his new little girl. I loved hearing his perspective on the HPC video so curious to what he is thinking right in the thick of the situation. RICHARD, RICHARD, RICHARD!! :)
So glad your mom is doing better. God answers prayer!
Yep, the "bear ears" are darling on Gracie!
Seriously, Sweet Gracie sounds so much like the Mya we met 2.5 years ago. She was WILD! She could handle NO amount of sugar or her craziness would double. And when we got home, her indiscriminate friendliness side came out - anything for attention..
I think it was a combination of being oh-so-spoiled (do you get that feeling?!) and some grief. I think that Mya's way of coping with what was happening to her was NOT shutting down. Se reacted by staying busy, busy, busy, so she could forget that she has just been taken from everything she ever knew.
Mya is a million times more " manageable" than she was when we me her :) her personality is still "loud", as I'm sure Gracie's is - they are colorful and the world will know when they are coming! But I wouldn't change that for anything in the world. Still, it's exhausting!
Hugs from the Midwest!
P.S. sitting still for hair styles was ALSO something that Mya was OKAY with! She was wild, but she wanted to be beautiful :)
P.S.S. So glad your Mom's feeling better! I'll bet the whole family is ready for you & Richard to come home!
She is the cutest little firecracker I have EVER seen! I love the grip you have on her by the waterfall, the look on her face just screams "I'm already done with this and have places to go and people to see, but I'll be polite and take a second for a pic!" :)
So thankful all is going well in China and at home!
Loving following along!!
Hope the beds are great. The hair do, A D O R A B L E!
Cute pictures of your wild child! She is just adorable!
Enjoy your time in China!
What a special journey! God is so good & faithful! It is so amazing to read your stories...they are filled with fun, festivities, fashion (of course!), fascination, & most of all faith! As I follow I laugh, cry, & can't wait for the next post! What a blessed family Gracie is becoming a part & Richard are so amazing! Praying for the rest of your sweet time together! Thanks for sharing all of your precious memories with us! Can't wait for Richard to get his diet coke, you to get a bed & some yummy food, & for Gracie to meet her brothers & sister & the rest of her family! Love you! Tiffinie
Love her hair! And her bows.... are always super cute!
Cant wait to see her and Wesleigh together!
I am so glad your Mom is better. I have been praying for them and of course when we passed your exit yesterday, I blew a kiss and said a prayer:) (and took a photo).
Love the hairstyle. I have done it on Kate too but her hair is thin so it is not as cute as it is on gracie. Gracie is just SO SO SO pretty (just like her Mommy!). I cannot wait til you are home too. I hate the time difference.
She is so stinking cute, no matter how she wears her hair. She's rock'n that poodle purse too. She's gonna fit right in with that house full of boys!
Lynette in Laf.
So glad to hear your mom is doing better. Love the hair and that flower!
So glad to see all is going well, Gracie is absolutely PRESH!!!! Too cute for words!!!!
She's a dolly, this wild child of yours! So beautiful and full of life! Although I get the impression from the photos you've posted over the previous months that she's probably a bit of a wild thing normally, she could be a little over-stimulated right people, new places, etc. Maybe she'll calm down a bit once she settles into a new routine at home. I hope she never loses her spunk and zest for life, though...she looks like so much fun to be with!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the pigtail buns!!! Darling!!! SO happy things are doing so well. LOve every single photo!!!
Love the noodle picture! She looks like she got caught with her hand in a cookie jar. :) The piggies are too cute on her too! :)
We call that hairstyle "bear ears!" It's one of my favorites too.
She is just so cute and you can't beat a spirited child! :)
I have so enjoyed following your journey to Gracie. I came to follow thru my niece and nephew who adopted two yrs. ago.
My sister talked with you in the Detroit airport. They were on the same plane.
I wish you and your beautiful family much peace, joy and happiness.Good luck with your newest bundle of energy. She is gorgeous.
Love the happiness that she just exudes for life its self. A bundle of energy she is ! Love her hair you will have so much fun all the time fixing it for her. So are the girls going to wear twin outfits?
Glad you were able to sneak away for a few to Starbucks and the stores. I bet it felt wonderful...
Praying things continue to go wonderful for you.
The noodles eating pic is my fav. She is so pretty.
I love that hairstyle! We call it "boobear buns"!! I love styling my girl hair like that!
Gracie is just scrumptious! Love her halter dress!!! I have to laugh because I see so much of my Bre in her. Always smiling for the camera and "quite the curious one"!
Enjoy your little firecracker! She is a PURE DOLL!
I LOVE that hairstyle too...I do it on Lucy alot!!
Gracie Joy..what a cutie!!
Gracie looks great in any hair style but this one is very cute!!
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