It's 8:00am and little missy is still sleeping! I have to say, she is a firecracker when she's awake, but at least she sleeps...hard and long!! Thank you, Lord!! She also really needs her nap during the day. Wesleigh, however, does not need a nap. I was a little worried about this at first, but now I think it's going to be really good. I will be able to spend a little time with Wesleigh alone during the day. I think that with help with our transition time alot.
So...we've already gone to breakfast and are now in the room packing up. Here are some pics we took here in the room:

I know it's blurry, but it shows her outfit :) I don't know if these pants will ever be the same! She'll probably have them too stretched out for Wesleigh to wear again! lol...

Feeding Cade a cookie on Skype this morning.

I love these shots, but just realized that the action I used on them totally brings out my wrinkles!! Oh well...too late now...just don't look at them :)

She is such a hoot! She keeps us laughing all day long! Next post will be from Guangzhou!!
Those aren't wrinkles...they're smile lines! And they're beautiful!
Jen, you look BEAUTIFUL and HAPPY! I love how affectionate Gracie is with you. I am sure you are missing your kiddos. Hope the flight to GZ goes well.
I just LOVE the love I see in those pics of you and your sweet daughter! What a gift from God!! Glad to be following along, can't wait to get our daugther!!!
an enthusiastic congratulations to you all! gracie is absolutely adorable, seems to have such a fun and sweet disposition, and she's already loving on you... amazing! :) the transition seems to be going so smoothly! best to you in your travels- paige in ca
Gracie seems like such a happy and fun little girl. Her smile just lights up the screen... as does her mama's (smile lines and all!!) I think you are beautiful and sport your smile lines well!! ~ these photos do nothing but scream out pure joy and affection between a lovely mama and her adorable new baby girl... and I, for one, cannot get enough of them!!
Happy travels and enjoy your time in GZ!
She smiles all the times . Her hair is attractive and you know how to enhance it. Well, I think you have probably picked up the prettiest girl of the orphanage.
When she goes to kindergarten later, she will learn to calm down her " boisterous" side.
Well from your wrinkled friend, I think you look gorgeous! I love how you and your sweet girl have your hair matching today!!!! Have you two really only been together for five days? She was definitely born to be yours!!!!!
Soon you will be in the Victory, and then you will be home!!!!
Miss you in China already!
You and Gracie look BEAUTIFUL together! Mother and Daughter soooooo happy together!!! Have fun in GZ:)
Beautiful pics of you both!! You already have a special bond! Your journey to Miss Gracie is almost complete. Enjoy the second half! Praying for you all...:)
The last picture is my favorite~but they are are equally beautiful :) Here's to quiet plane trips :)
Lynette in Laf.
Gorgeous pics and I say " whatever" with an eye roll to your "wrinkles" haha, you all look so perfect together. I have a feeling Wesleigh is going to just sit back and watch her sister in action, and a few days later all you will hear is constant laughter. Can't wait to see the pics of them together. Will be praying for safe travels!
You are going to have soooo much fun with her. She sounds so much like ourLeah, and the fun and laughter in our home is never-ending. (Yeah, she is a little hyper, but I love it!) Your pictures are amazing and I can actually feel the love between you. Have a great flight!
Look at all that LOVE you're getting!! That's so amazing how she warmed up to both of you so quickly! She was meant to be a part of your family! And you look beautiful in those pics by the way...great shots!
I hope the plane ride went well. I know you're getting anxious to see your babies! Halfway there...hang tight!
I think due to you and Gracie's gorgeous smiles, no one notices any wrinkles :) you two braided girls are beautiful! So happy you are outta Changsha and heading closer to HOME! I know its necessary, but life is so much better NOT in a hotel :)
Wrinkles? What wrinkles? I know not of which you speak. I'm loving the outfit!! Do you reckon I am too old to wear something like that?
You are both gorgeous and I love how she is just squeezing you super tight as if she never wants to let go:)
These pictures make me want to cry. It has been amazing to watch Gracie's story unfold before my eyes. Hard to believe that just 5 days ago, she was sitting on your lap crying and scared. You would never know it by these pics today. Nothing by love coming from these pics. Hoping the flight to GZ was uneventful and Gracie had a blast. She definitely seems like she would see the adventure in it and enjoy the ride. Can't wait to hear all about it.
I adore those pictures!! What bright, beautiful, happy faces!!!! Hope the next leg goes well, too!
I have been following your journey every day and have loved it! Gracie's smile is so bright and beautiful and she is so full of joy. I have enjoyed seeing how quickly she has bonded to you guys and the skype picture of her feeding her brother is hilarious!
Thank you for sharing your journey,
I've so enjoyed following your adoption journeys from Liverpool, England, I wish you safe travels and many happy times ahead,your photos speak out joy from the screen!
Katie x
Absolutely beautiful pictures! I especially love the first one. They are filled with so much love. Congrats on your new daughter. She is adorable!!!
All I see is a very happy Mama and a very happy daughter! So glad you have made it to the halfway point, before you know it, you will be home with all your babies!
The name Gracie Joy fits her so well! Beautiful pictures of you and Gracie!! I still can't wait to see her with Wesleigh--so cute!! Safe travels and God Bless~
Safe travels. Love the pics of the 2 of you together - such joy!
Both of you are perfectly beautiful!!! XOXO See you in Guangzhou.
I see no wrinkles just pretty girls!
Love, LOVE the pictures, esp the second one of you two. She is definitely your and Richard's daughter! You can see the love between you guys already. Like everyone else, I'm amazed it's only been 5 days!
Wrinkles?? Puh-lease!! You are so gorgeous and so is Gracie!! She looks so very happy with her Mama and Daddy. Can't wait to see more pics from Guangzhou.
Gorgeous shots! Awe they are just laugh and smiles lines!!! It seems with Gracie you will be using those muscles alot = ) !!
So glad you are on your way to GZ. The victory dows have softer beds, you will probably miss the breakfast at the Dolton though. Victory does not have as much of a selection.
Safe travels! She is beautiful and I think she will fit in to your family just perfectly!!
Praying for you guys.
I don't see a single wrinkle. Just a beautiful mama with cute pony tails!
I have been away at Disney World and I have missed these beautiful photos!
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