Looks like she'll be ready for the dance classes I just signed she and Wesleigh up for :)

This little dress is one I sent in her care package a while back. I had hoped to see it on her so I could get an idea of her size. However, none of the pics are full-body pics...and even worse...I can't remember what size I bought!!! lol...That is so typical of me!!
I am steady marking things off my to-do list. I think I have one more trip to the store and then the fun of fitting it into the suitcases. I am hoping to have everything taken care of tomorrow so Wesleigh and I can have a fun day at the pool on Thurs. We both deserve it!!
Thank you for all the prayers. I have received so many comments and emails offering support and prayer for me and Gracie. Each one has offerered peace, knowing God has orchestrated all the details. Please continue to pray for Gracie's heart and for her foster mother, as well. Pray that Richard and I will have the wisdom to give her exactly what she needs to feel safe and loved with us.
Gracie is so beautiful...I am so excited for you to finally have her in your arms. Only a week to go..yippee
She's so stinkin' cute I can hardly stand it! I'm so excited for you guys and your new addition :)
I'll be keeping you, Gracie, and her China family in my thoughts and prayers for all you are about to experience.
Hi Jennifer,
I have been following your your blog since you brought home sweet Wesleigh ~ not sure if I have ever commented before, but I am so looking forward to following your journey to your precious Gracie! I will definitely be praying for you and for Gracie's tender little heart. My little one is 2 1/2 and I dream of returning to China one day to adopt again too! Who knows... All the best to you!!
You have been on my heart and mind so much lately. Every time I think of you, I say a prayer for you and Gracie and even for your kiddos you have to leave behind for a couple of weeks. It wasn't until your recent posts that I even thought about Gracie's foster mom so I will definitely be praying for her too. That will be me one day and I will need all the prayers I can get when the time comes to say goodbye to the sweet angels who come into my home temporarily, but into my heart forever. I'm praying for peace for all involved, the peace that passes all understanding. Safe travels!!
Tiny dancer...what a beauty...can't wait to see her with you Jen!!! I'm counting the days until I can stalk your blog!!!
I prayed for Gracie and her foster mother today when I ran:) Those pictures are the prettiest yet, she is absolutely breathtaking!! Looking so forward to seeing pics of her with her Mommy and Daddy!!
Oh yes, she is definitely ready for that dance class! Such a beauty! I am so excited for you guys.
Oh you and Diana are BOTH in my prayers. What beautiful pictures of your "tiny dancer".
Prayers for Gracie, her momma & daddy & her foster mom. Can't wait to see your gotcha day pictures. Prayers for all of your other kiddos while your gone. Blessings!!
I would venture to say Miss Gracie is breaking out a little tai chi :) Mya had her moves down when we brought her home! Her foster Mom must have done it with her...so, so cute!
Gracie's smile is contagious.....she looks so well cares for and happy. I can't wait to see her with you and Richard!
Have a GREAT day with Wesleigh on Thursday!!!
Gracie is such a cutie!!! And I'm taking a wild guess that she is BIG on personality!!! So much fun!
Praying for you and Richard as you travel this week to bring Gracie home. I cannot wait to see your pictures next week!
(Wish I was leaving this Friday, too!)
Have a wonderful trip!!!
She's an absolute DOLL!!! Love her pink dress...where did you find it? You are almost there...:) Praying for you all.
I can not wait to see Gracie join your family! I can not wait to see the clothes that you dress her in when you get her!! She is an absolute doll and I think her name fits her so well. I'll be praying for you and checking your blog regularly. Can't wait to follow in your footsteps this fall!!!
So happy for you and your family! Gracie is so beautiful!
This is my first time commenting, but I've been reading your blog for the better part of the year. I have enjoyed following your adoption journey and I'm so excited for you and your family as you get closer and closer to bringing home little Gracie! Good luck and have a great trip. She looks like such a fun girl and is so, so precious and beautiful! (Just like her sister Wesleigh!) You all seem like such a wonderful family and I'm so happy for Gracie, that she gets to become a part of it. Safe travels!
She is so beautiful...and looks to have the sweetest little personality! I am so thrilled for you Jennifer. I can hardly believe you are just days away from getting on that plane.
Best wishes to you all. I'll be following your journey every step of the way and saying prayers for a safe journey and a smooth transition.
She is absolutely precious! I hope that you have a wonderful trip and the adjusts quickly.
She is absolutely precious! I hope that you have a wonderful trip and the adjusts well.
She looks like the happiest girl in the world! Love all her poses!..lol
Can Not Wait for y'all to get her!
So excited for you!! These pictures inspired me today to order another care package for our Gracie (this time with just orphanage donations) in hopes of getting updated pictures. It's all we can do while we wait, isn't it?!? Happy packing!
You are so in my prayers as well as Gracie and her foster mom. SO hard but she will be SO happy in her new life. Blessings!!!
so excited for you guys! Ya'll are such a wonderful family and I am so glad we have gotten to know you guys! Ya'll will be in my prayers and I can't wait to meet Gracie!!
...in all my rambling, forgot to mention that Wesley looks adorable in her photo shoot and I can't wait to follow your journey to beautiful Gracie!! :-)
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