I found this paper as I was cleaning up yesterday. This is my sweet Cade's prayer, written at church camp. I love that he would think of Gracie and her foster mother and the transition they are going to go through. My heart is so heavy for Gracie's foster mother. I can tell by every single photo that they adore each other. It just breaks my heart. I have this taped to a cabinet in my bathroom. It might not ever come down :)
Today is Bryce's birthday!!!! I will do a post for him later. He had a group of friends come over last night, and we have our big Sea Cadet family day here at the house today. He doesn't know it but I have an amazing cake surprise for him!!
I will also do a back to school post when Braden starts this week. I will, however, give you a preview of my "too cool for a 1st day of school pic" sophomore!! I do have one that is good, but this one shows the attitude!

Thanks to facebook, I was able to show him immediately, that everyone takes a 1st day of school picture :)
5 more days 'till we leave for China!!!
Cade's prayer touches my heart. I know it is one that touches God's heart also. My heart hurts too for that precious foster mother who has loved our Gracie--just as it was heavy for the birthmothers and birth-grandmothers of my other adopted grandchildren.
What a contrast this picture of Bryce is from the first-day school picture he took! But he's still the same Bryce!!! So happy he has a fantastic day planned for his fifteenth birthday!!
Such a sweet prayer from a brother for his new sister. I will pray too that your travel and transition will not be too difficult.
Happy Birthday Bryce! I love those first day of school pics. I usually get my kids every year too.
I have to say that I have been praying for Gracie and her foster mother as well. You are so right EVERY picture of the two of them together that I have seen you can see the love she has for Gracie, which I think is why sweet Gracie gushes with happiness:) God knew when he placed her with her sweet foster mother he was getting her ready to be with you and he has it all worked out, makes me tear up thinking about his plan for Gracie since before she was formed.
I will be praying for you all, she could not be going to a sweeter family!!
As for the attitude pic, made me laugh out loud!! I have so many of Gardner at that age, he just shakes his head when he sees them now, he is 22 now haha!!
That prayer is really one of the sweetest things I have ever seen. I would keep that up forever too. You are raising some mighty fine boys Jen. Happy birthday to Bryce. I get that "tude" form my 14 year old too!
That prayer is really one of the sweetest things I have ever seen. I would keep that up forever too. You are raising some mighty fine boys Jen. Happy birthday to Bryce. I get that "tude" form my 14 year old too!
That prayer is priceless and blesses my heart!!! Brothers are obviously precious for sisters and I am SO thankful we are bringing one home. Can't wait to watch you travel for sweet Gracie and praying for you as you pack!!!
ps adorable son you have there in the pic. :)
Frame that prayer and give it to your new little one in the future! Yea CHINA SO SOON!!!Blessings-Joy
Now how sweet is that note!!! With that precious note we can overlook that "1st day of school attitude"!! :) I think it's a "boy thing". When my son's became "too old for pic's", they took on that infamous "mom...are you serious look and the boneless neck picture! You know the one I'm talking about. The one where their heads is crooked to one side and that blank look on their face! Sheesh...all I want is a picture!! BOYS!!!
Your posts have me sobbing this morning.... just one of those days I guess. I am overwhelmed with emotion, all good emotion but overwhelmed none the less! I need to do a big post but I just have not been able to yet. I am surrounded by these beauties that are just too precious for words while their mommy is on the other side of the world holding yet another beautiful gift from God, sweet Emme! As I open Di's emails and see the love and joy in Emme's eyes I am just so greatful for all of our answered prayers!! I have my Little Lexi here, just madly in love with Ruby, talking up a storm all of a sudden, taking my breath away with her sweet disposition and willingness to share her mommy and her things with our friends. And then there is a little something else in the works...... and thats enough said! My cup overfloweth!
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