Today's the day!!! I can hardly believe it!! I am very nervous, but trying to stay semi-sane. We met a great couple from TN who is going to adopt their son at the same time, so that will be fun. They brought their 4 year old daughter (also adopted from China) so I'm hoping she and Gracie will become friends.
We got up early this morning and skyped with the kids. Wesleigh was happy to see us on the computer. I had my mom give her a gift while we were talking. It was a baby, just like the one I have here for Gracie. She loved it!! It did this Mama's heart good to see them. We then went to breakfast. I was starving, and realized that I really haven't eaten much over the last few days. Last night we went to the restaurant in the hotel and ordered some spicy beef with onions. It was amazing!
Here are some more pictures I took as we went exploring a little yesterday afternoon:

I just love this. This man was walking down the street with these baskets hanging from his shoulders. It is in stark contrast to the car horns and busses passing him by.

The baskets had shrimp, sardines and eggs. It did not smell so great following him :) Anything for the shot, I suppose! lol...

I love the trees lining the roads. It reminds me of home. The weather is exactly what we're used to...hot and humid!!

BTW...for those of you who followed Wesleigh's journey, you'll appreciate this!! There was NO WAY I was making this trip without my hair dryer and flat iron, so I lugged them all the way to China, using up precious suitcase room...Only to find out, the prongs on the appliances don't fit into the adaptor!! UGH!! You have got to be kidding me!! I will definitely be purchasing a hairdryer on our first trip to Walmart!
OK...that ate up some time! It's now 1 hour and 27 minutes to go!!! Whoo Hoo!!! Gracie here we come!!
Ok, I may have to stay up late for an update...please make a quick one if you can:)
I may be up late, too!! And I'll definitely be rushing to the computer in the morning!! So excited for you ALL! Prayers for a wonderful, blessed day, and peace, wisdom, patience, etc.
Boy, you sure know how to keep us on the edge of our seats! I am so excited for ya'll. I will have to check again before bed! Gracie is going to love the doll and backpack!
Kim D.
So Excited for you!!! =)
I just put Madeline to bed and we prayed for Gracie, she can't wait to get up in the morning to see a pic of Gracie with her Mommy and Daddy. Soooo very sweet!!
I am praying for you all!! and staying up late!!
Woo hoo...can't wait till your next post! I love her monogrammed bag blanket and her doll...beautiful
Jennifer, I'm counting down with you. This is so exciting! Praying for you and your family as you bring home that sweet baby girl. Love yall!
OH my goodness...I'm so excited, I have butterflies for you!! I'm not a night owl...AT ALL!! But I'll definitely be staying up to see a little update...I hope..;)
She's going to love her little doll and blanket! So cute!
Still praying for a smooth transition for everybody! Can't believe the time is finally here to get your baby girl!...woohoo!! :)
Praying for you in KY! We can't wait to see pictures of ya'll with Gracie!
What a cute bag and doll--where did you get them? I'm thinking little Emy needs a bag like that!
I am so happy I don't have to stay up late!!!!! Your pictures are fantastic!!!!!! And, I love all of Gracie Joy's gifts.. How blessed you are all going to be! VERY SOON!!! Today is Gracie Joy Day!! WOOHOO!!
Hugs from 2.5 hours away! We Love you and we are PRAYING!!!!
Hi! As I post you are probably meeting Gracie for the first time!
I pray all goes well and she is happy and not scared. It is such a tremendous transition for her and you of course. PRaying really hard for peace and resilience.
Love the blankie! I have one from there too with the monkey fabric. Jon Jon loves it. Are you at the Dolton?
Best of luck! Praying for Gracie... and you!
Gracie Joy Day soon!!! Praying for you all. Can't wait to see pics!
Sweet Blessing!
Jen...you are such a great writer and photographer. I dont think there's anything you can't do :). On pins and needles waiting for the next post. Praying, believing and thanking God. Happy Gracie Day!!!!! Laura
Sweet Jen :) I'm going to have brag on your mean writing and photography skills. Dang, girl!! You are good at everything! Especially at being a wonderful mom. You know how to show and give love....in abundance :)
All is well. Remember that God has already equipped you for this. Praying, believing and thanking God in advance :). Happy, Happy Gracie Day!!! It's finally hereeeeeeee!!!!
Love, Laura
So excited for you!! Your pictures are awesome! Can't wait to see Gracie in her mama's arms!
God Bless,
Oh sweet friend~ we can barely stand it to wait to see!! Praying a smooth transition and a good day!!!
Blessings and love!
I can't believe Diana is only 2.5 hours away!!
The countdown is 40 minutes by my watch :) I feel like I did a week ago, awaiting Emme Jade Day! Lifting up prayers right now for Gracie's heart to be softened.
And for her to swiftly teach you some crazy tai chi moves :)
Happy Gotcha Day! Can't wait!!
Almost here!!!!!!!!!!!!! So so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you more than you know. So excited for all that this moment holds....for you and Richard, the boys, Wesleigh, and Gracie. Miss Gracie is blessed beyond measure because of the love that awaits her. Waiting with joy in my heart!
you should be with her NOW!!!! eeekkkss!!!
Here we go again. So exciting!!! I am sitting here waiting again and praying for y'all:) You know I almost asked the other day if you had the adaptor. So sorry that you did not.
I cannot wait to see Gracie Joy!!!
You are probably meeting your sweet Gracie as I type this comment. I hope your meeting with Gracie and the rest of the day goes well. What a special day. I can't wait to see your sweetie in your arms! I wish you guys all the best. BTW I love all of your pictures!
We are all counting down with you and lifting your sweet family up in prayer. seeing those pics took me back to our trip to Changsha a year ago. Happy Gotcha Day!
Sweet friend, If my math is right, you already have your hands on Gracie. Know that you, Richard, and all 5 kids are on my mind and in my thoughts tonight and all this week!! Can't wait to see the next post!! So sorry we didn't hook up before you left, but rest assured I will be on this blog like an addict all week!! Love to you all! Fran
You are so close! There is nothing like the hour and minute count down. Praying all goes smooth for you and your precious girl. Can't wait to see your next post. Just a thought ... have you asked the front desk for an adapter? When we were in China one of our adapters blew our first night and so each hotel we asked and they had one we could use. Those were the ones that actually fit my hair appliances. Just thought it might be worth checking out if you haven't :)
So excited for you! I can't wait to hear about you meeting your sweet Gracie Joy. (Looks like you're staying at the Dolton? That's where we stayed when we traveled for Kate.)
I can't wait to get up tomorrow to see how your first meeting was! I am just so excited for y'all!!
I cant belive it is so close!!! I remember staying at the Dolton and FOOD STREET on the second floor that is open 24 hours is absolutly the best food ever. We literally never left the hotel for food because it was not only wonderful food but cheap too!!! FYI at the Dolton they have all different adapters available through house keeping. They will loan you whatever one you need-- just call the front desk. Also, next door there is a building that has a movie theatre etc. but they have a massage place up there where the massages are done by blind people!! It is an amazing massage and it is $5 an hour-- not joking you-- at least it was in 2007 when we were there getting Mia. Anyway I cant wait to see Gracie in your arms and I will be jumping on my computer first thing in the morning to check it out!!!!
Big hugs and I am praying for you guys!!
Christy :)
By this time you should have sweet Gracie. Praying things are going well and thinking about you and your family! Can't wait to see pictures and Gracie's gifts are just beautiful!
I can't stand it. I want to see that Spicy Girl!!!!!
I am Di and Mary's friend and I just wanted to wish you a wonderful and blessed first day with your beautiful new daughter. J
CAN'T wait!! :)
...and total giggles at the flat iron and hair dryer story... you sound so much like me!! LOL!
Love the arrival photo in your previous post... you are adorable and look so ready for your little Gracie girl! I can't stay awake any longer, but I'll be back first thing in the morning to check on those photos... SO excited for all of you and keeping you in my prayers for a blessed transition!
I still can't believe you and Di are in China at the SAME TIME! Love it!! :)
~ Tanya
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