There are lots of bird cages in the trees with different kinds of birds in them. They like the way the birds sing together.

I love this shot. These 3 retired men...sitting and telling stories :)

The weather feels exactly like what we're used to at home...HOT and HUMID. It's not that we're not used to the heat, but we don't really spend hours walking in it at home! It's HOT!!

Gracie loves her stroller. She does not want to leave the room without it. I am very grateful for it because I'm quite sure we would have lost her by now without it :)

This is the second ice cream cone Baba bought her :) The first one was a casualty in the fight for independance...lol...

Wesleigh and Gracie can bond over ice cream, if nothing else :)

We saw a different side of Gracie when she got into this jumpy thing with other children. She was very timid. She wasn't so sure about the ground moving under her.

The sweetest picture of the day :)

This is our guide, Sam with Gracie and Richard (with the ball cap). We love him! He is so funny and he seems to understand my southern twang just fine :) He also seems to get my sarcasm...at least he makes me think he does :) He has been a great help for Gracie.

She was actually being quite still watching these huge fish fight for food. Make no mistake though, had I loosened my grip even a tiny bit, she would have been swimming with the fishes!!

Gracie is still as happy as ever. Richard has put his foot down with her a couple of times, but she doesn't seem to mind much. She did start to get upset today when Richard left the room to get us some food. She is still VERY busy. We have learned that giving her a nap is a must! More than just busy...she is very rough. Every movement is super strong and almost aggressive...not in a mean way...just a little ugly. Does that make sense? I am trying to be very calm with her, hoping that tone will rub off a little. I really hope she calms down a little before we get home. Wesleigh won't really know what to do with all that crazy!!
Two more days in Changsha. I am ready to move on to GZ!!!
LOVE the pictures!!!
You are an awesome photographer!
I feel like I've taken NO pictures because I keep having to count to 3. As in...there's one, there's one, there's one. 1...2...3..., yep, there all here!
Keep taking! I love seeing China through YOUR eyes.
I love this park, and I love your photos. You are right, the photo of her giving Richard a smooch is precious!!!
So thankful you have a great guide!!!! We are in Hong Kong, and I too am going to miss these "real-time" visits to your blog!!!!
Hugs from HK!
She is so precious, I will be praying for rest for you all:)
Love the pic of her kissing her daddy. So sweet. hope you are getting lots of love too.
Your stories makes me think she's like a bull in a china shop. LOL
Praying the spirit of calmness over her, for Wesleigh's sake. Looks like she's gonna give her big brothers a run for their money.
Love her sweet outfit and adorable ponytail/bow. She has so much hair!!
Awww. I love all the photos (especially the one of Gracie kissing Richard). She looks so happy. I hope she calms down for you a bit.
Oh my, Gracie Joy is SUCH a beautiful girl. The outfit is adorable... I hope you can get the chocolate out! I love seeing her kiss her baba. She is a doll!
So interesting to see how different children react to the transition. I'm glad for your sake that she likes the stroller (just like Emme Jade) and the bathtub.
Aw, thanks for missing you nap to share these photos, they are great!! Hoping for some calmness and safe travels to GZ!
Great pictures Jennifer!! Gracie is precious and I'm so enjoying all the updates! Sounds like she and Nathan would get along great with all that energy to burn! I never remember the other three soooo busy. Its a constant workout!! Also love the picture of her and Richard!! What a journey you guys are on and so awesome to get to feel a part of it through your pics and posts!! Love you Much my friend!!
I think that once all this "newness" sets in, she will calm down. I think maybe this is all new to her and that's alot of processing for a little one. So is probably REALLY EXCITED.
I really love her outfit! Even though the "chocolate stain" made me break out in a cold sweat!! :) Love the picture-packed post!!!
I just love all of the pictures. Gwacie has to be the most photogenic child I've seen! I do hope she calms down a bit for you, although I have one of those and 3 years later we are still waiting for her to calm down! On the bright side, there is NEVER a dull moment at my house. Maybe we can learn from each other! Everything you have described is my Leah. Lord help us!
Love the pictures of Martyr Park. That was one of our favorite places while there but we didn't have a lot of time other than to walk through it and then get back on the bus (our guide seemed to always be rushed). I loved the variety of what we saw there and felt a great sense of the culture. Gracie's little personality seems to be so much like our daughters. Not afraid and a tad head strong. She is quite outgoing as well but when surrounded by something new, she sits back and observes.
This Georgia girls spies a Chinese guide wearing a Dawg cap! How funny!
I can't wait to read all about the fun times Gracie and Wesleigh will have together once they get used to each other.
Thanks for sharing, your pictures are beautiful, as is Gracie's story. Can't wait till she is home for the next chapters.
Lynette in Laf.
I love all these pics!! It looks so pretty there! The one of Gracie kissing Richard is too sweet!! Looks like she's really bonded with y'all!
I'm sure once y'all get home, all of your calmness will rub off on her. She's just so darn cute..:)
Yep, Gracie is definately a SPICY GIRL:) She has a whole lot of cuteness going on, that is for sure!
So happy all is going so well!
Can't wait to see more pic's of your adorable Gracie Joy!
God Bless,
She is just gorgeous!!!! Hope that as the days go by she settles down some! Safe travels.
LOVE LOVE LOVE all the photos!!! Gracie is just precious!!! LOVE the photo of her kissing her Baba!!! Enjoy your days!!! :)
Just beautiful. I love seeing you all together. Every photo makes me smile.
Congratulations on your beautiful daughter! She is a lovely addition to your family.
Seeing the choclatof Gracie's outfit reminds me to pack some SHOUT :)
I am sure it was a relief to see her "other side" - I still like to see that occasionally out of all my kids! Its a humble reminder to them that the world really isnt "theirs" and we all just live in it!
Gracie is beautiful - I really do see a lot of my wild then-3 year old in her - it really is hard to deal with all that independence. It will get easier and you will just continue to fall more and more in love.
Praying for that plane ride to Guangzhou! I know you are ready to get there!
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