Yesterday, Richard and I set out to find the pet market. We never found it, but enjoyed wandering on "the other side of the river" :) Here is a look at life on the other side:

Lots and lots of tea.

All of a sudden, we found ourselves on an incredibly busy street. I couldn't believe how crowded this shopping area was.

A side alley.

We ended up in the medicinal market. There were all kinds of crazy things there. We are supposed to go back tomorrow...maybe I'll have the stomach to take pics of it all :)

Today we went to a part of Guangzhou where they held the Asian games. It was a very wealthy part of town and very interresting to see.

We went to the Chen temple. We had gone here last time, but didn't know it by this name. I pulled out the big guns today...Tomcat on the iphone :) Yes...it was a hit. Everyone in the place wanted to know what she was saying "hello" to! lol...

My husband, the hottie. This is the second time a young girl has asked to take a picture with him :) I never noticed last time how tall he is here in China. Pretty cute :)

I am actually getting tired of taking pictures :( It is now very humid here and we are to the point that we're seeing alot of the same things. I will try to get some more pics of Gracie tonight. 3 more sleeps in Guangzhou!!!
I have enjoyed your pictures. I most likely will not ever get to see China so it has been nice to see through your eyes. Hang in there, not much longer!
I've enjoyed following your trip! I had to pipe in because if you found the medicinal market you were so close to the pet market! It's basically the same street. When you cross the bridge leaving the island you are in the medicine section (stinky, huh?!). Then keep going that same direction. When you get to the end of a block, cross the street continuing to walk in that same direction. If I remember correctly, each block just jogs a bit to the right. That whole market is four blocks long. It ends at the Holidat Inn Shifu -- where we stayed -- so we walked those four blocks many times each day last summer! Just don't make any turns...keep going the same direction and you'll find all the pets (bunnies, kittens, fish, puppies, turtles) pretty amazing. Your daughter would love it. I promise you that your nose won't! :) Blessings on the rest of your trip!
I'll probably never go to China so I have LOVED seeing your pictures of the area. Keep em coming. Of course, more pics of Gracie are wanted too. :) I've been meaning to ask why she holds up 2 fingers in alot of her pictures and then noticed the young girl with Richard doing the same thing. So Gracie is flashing the peace sign? That obviously is a big thing there.
I've also been curious as to why you have to hang around in China for so long. What exactly is the process and timeline? I know lots of people who follow your blog have gone thru this process so anyone can chime in and educate me. I'm just curious.
I LOVE every single photo~ LOVE LOVE LOVE China and makes my stomach leap to know we will be there in about 10 weeks!!! Wow... that will be here before you know it!!! Anyway, you are doing a great job documenting the trip and Gracie just gets cuter and cuter!!! Blessings on your last few days!!! XO
Your pictures truly tell a beautiful story.
Lynette in Laf.
It has got to be hot and humid if you are mentioning it!!!! Thankful, your MN friend missed it! Three more sleeps in GZ!! Awesome!! I am praying for those travel mercies already!!!!!
I too love all the photos. Keep them coming. You will be glad you took them all. I can imagine that life gets kinda redundant over there and you end up just waiting to come home though. I can tell you though we on this side of the world wait each day to see what you're up to.
Big hugs. Can't wait to talk to you!
We never ventured to the other side of the river. What fun it must have been. I am not one for crowded area's though.
Love seeing all of the photo's! You are almost done with your trip and will be home soon. 3 nights! Yippee..... I remember how it began to drag on at that point.
So, stay positive and enjoy. Hope you are hitting the pool and relaxing a little.
maybe they thing Richard is an American movie star?
I've just loved following along on your journey and seeing all your pictures! Such memories of our time in China. I pray the remainder of your trip is great!
I gotta agree w/Sharon and Shannon. I know I will NEVER see China firsthand, so seeing them thru your pics is far better than "any old pics on the net"! You really have such beautiful documentation for Gracie for the future. In fact, you have great pics for both your China beauties!
she such a doll!!!! love checking in on your antics for the day!! When we went to the pet market, we took the "second bridge" Not the one across from the "cow and bridge" but the one farther down you'll see a sign that says "Holiday Inn SHifu" with an arrow If you keep walking down that street you run into it....that was in January...hopefully they are still there, we saw bunnies puppies, kittens..the kids loved and I know Gracie would...good luck!!!!
3 more days til you see your babies!! Woohoo!! I know y'all miss them so much!
Great pics of the city!
How fun that you ventured to the "other side" of the river!! ~ you adventurists, you! ;) I really do think it is neat how you have taken the time to really soak in the sights and visit with the shopkeepers, etc... during this trip. It is one of my regrets from our travels to Khloe last year, that we didn't take the 'time' to soak in the surroundings and the culture more. NEXT time, I will do things differently. I will be 'seasoned' like you, when we go back again!
I have SO enjoyed following along on your travels to Gracie. She is SO pretty and so much fun... I love her spunk mixed with that sweet smile!
Praying you have safe travels as you prepare for home. Rest as much as you can so you can soak in all of those hugs and kisses waiting for you back home!
~ Tanya
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