We are finally in Changsha!! I thought we might NEVER get here!! I have never been so happy to unpack a suitcase in my life! We had a teary goodbye Friday morning, but I think all is well at home. I can't wait for them to wake up so we can skype with them!!
Tomorrow is the day!! We are supposed to be at the Civil Affairs Office at 10:00 tomorrow morning. I am so nervous and excited!! I just can't believe the day is finally here!
We had good flights to Beijing, but a very scary taxi ride to our hotel. We didn't land until 11:00pm and we did not have a guide, so were on our own. There were a couple of minutes that we thought we had made a terrible mistake...thankfully, our taxi driver was only taking a shortcut! We did find out that Richard and I would not make a good team on the Amazing Race :)
I got a good night's sleep, thanks to my new friend, Mr. Ambien :) Richard could not believe that I slept through a major thunderstorm. We are a little tired and crabby today, but I think we'll be totally fine after a good night's sleep tonight.
Here are a couple of pics I took from the van on the way to the hotel. From what I've seen, I'm going to like Changsha. I cannot wait to try some of the spicy food tonight! I can't wait to see how the spice compares to our South Louisiana food!

I'm not expecting anything too exciting tonight, so our next post should be with Gracie!! Only one more sleep 'till we get our girl!!! Please keep us all in your prayers!!
YAY!!!! So glad you made it safely! Tomorrow you will officially be the Mom of a Spicy Hunan Girl!!! I can not wait!!!!
We will be lifting you up and anxiously awaiting pictures soon!
Love from Guangzhou,
Thrilled that you both made it safely and can't wait to see you get Gracie!
So glad you made it!!!
I can't believe we are doing this. It just seems like last month we were coming home with Wesleigh and Isabella!
I will be looking for a post tomorrow so let us know how it's going as soon as you can!!
Don't be nervous- it's going to go great.
Love you!!!
Ooooooh the sites of Changsha,brings back lots of memories as we were there last July......so glad you made it!!!!
And most importantly, very excited and happy Gracie will be in your arms very soon!!!
Girl you crack me up about not the two of you not making a good Amazing Race team. Ha! SO been there! I'm loving the pics of Changsha! Wouldn't it have been amazing if she had happened to be out for a walk with her foster mother as you were driving by. I think you would have thrown yourself out of the cab! Can't wait till tomorrow! Most of the USA will be over here waiting for those pics to come in!
So glad you are there safely and sound. I too had to laugh at the amazing race comment. Dave would be great at that game. Me, not so much! Now you know that my sister and I will be sitting here at my computer all night looking for any sign of Gracie so don't leave me hanging girl!!!
I am so glad you slept on the plane. I have never taken Ambien but I know Di likes it too. Just glad it worked. When we passed the LSU stadium the other day, Dave pointed it out to the boys and I was thinking of you. OF course it was bumper to bumper traffic on that bridge so I had plenty of time to think of y'all.
PLEASE skype me when and of you can. I would love to see and hear your voice and of course see Miss Gracie Joy!!!!
Praying for you and cannot wait until tonight. I might need a nap this afternoon so I can make it.
PS. I have SLOW internet but it is still internet of you need me:)
Yay!! So glad y'all made it safe!....scary taxi ride and all! Ambien or no ambien...do what you gotta do to rest up for MIss Gracie! I can NOT believe she'll be in y'alls arms so soon!! I think it'll be during the night here, so I'll be checking often!!!! Countdown is on! :)
So glad you made it safe and sound. We are leaving for church now and The Chapel in the Oaks will be lifting you up in prayer. Can't wait for the next post and those Gracie pics.
So glad you made it and can't wait to see her with you tomorrow:)
So glad to hear you are safe and sound! As we prepare, I wonder how Todd and I will survive the travel part....what a test of your love and strength! Sleep well tonight and can't wait to see Gracie in your arms.
Absolutely praying and cannot WAIT for GJ Day! So happy you are safe in China :)
So thrilled to see you all are safe and sound and got some sleep, ambien is my friend too if I have to travel:)
I will be stalking my computer late tonight!:) and will be praying for all of you!
So glad your there and gonna get your girl soon.
Lynette in Laf.
Loved the photos, esp the one of you and Richard looking so happy and full of love. Can't wait to see yall with Gracie swaddled in yall's arms. Love yall much.
We have a spicy girl from Hunan! It has been a joy to follow your journies to China....welcome to the five club. It is wondeful in every way! We also had three biological children and adopted two from China. What a privilege to be used by the Lord in this redemtpive way. Praying for you as He unfolds a glorious day tomorow!
Congratulations! We just brought Our sweet baby girl Leila home 3 weeks ago! I've fallen behind on your blog - and am so elated that you're adding another beautiful girl to your family. Best of luck @ safe travels!
Glad you are there! Can't wait to see your next post with Gracie! Blessings and prayers for supernatural bonding and safe travels...
Glad your flights went well and you are safe in China. Can't wait to see you with the next beauty of your family right in your arms where she belongs! I wish you all the best as you meet your sweet Gracie!
~ B
Yippee! You are there safe and sound. Enjoy your sleep and couple time before you get your spicy girl! Changsha is fun and the food is good!!
Can't wait to see Gracie with you!!
Oh my gosh, so cool! I cannot believe I will be there in one week from today! How is the weather?
I remember when we were in Changsha to get my granddaughter! Looking forward to seeing some familiar territory. Can't wait for this little girl, post lots of pictures. Blessings
I've been following ur blog for a while now as we live near the same area I believe! So glad to see yall so close to your little one! Congrats and can't wait to see pics :)
So happy for you.....we were in Changsha for Sophia.....praying all goes well! xoxo
been dying to hear from you...so glad your there and safe!!! HUGE prayers for later today...can't wait for your next update with GRACIE!!! Happy gotcha day. it's 5am in China!!!
Praise God for your safe travel, and getting to meet your precious little one tomorrow. I pray God's hand over you all. Yeah gotcha day!!!!!!
Praying for your safe travels to your little one! HAppy Gotcha day!!!! Can't wait to see pics!
Soooooo excited!! Will be checking my computer throughout the night and first thing in the morning. No pressure though - I imagine those first few hours with Gracie will be precious as well as fragile so you take all the time you need with her before running to blog. :) Will continue to pray for yall. Love ya!
Congratulations! May God be with you during this time of wonder, joy, fragility, sadness and - above all - love.
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