I keep thinking of that line in Pretty Woman where Julia Roberts says, "he sleeps". We decided to put her down for a nap this afternoon and she fell asleep in less than 2 minutes flat. She needed it...and so did we. Hopefully, we'll be able to get her down in the next 30 minutes.
Just had to tell you how our McDonalds outing went. Gracie smells everthing. She smells us, food, toys, etc. So I tried to give her a bite of my burger and she took one sniff and started gagging :) I think she has better taste than we do :) She ate a couple of fries, but wouldn't touch the chicken nuggets or burger. Just as well...I was worried it would upset her stomach.
Good night from Changsha!!
LOVING your updates :)
Sleeping Beauty for sure!! Sweet dreams Gracie Joy!!
I cannot get over her larger than life personality. What an amazing little girl.
It sounds like you are enjoying Changsha.... I loved it too!! There was a great restaurant around the corner from your hotel. It was one of our favorite meals while in China. I will have to see if I can find the name for you.
We were in need of McD's by day 5 and on day 6 we tried Pizza Hut. It is not like the pizza hut here...it is more like a sitdown restaurant......and they had WINE!!! Marla and I had a long leisurely lunch there with Reagan!! The Veggie Pizza rocked:)
All my best to you.
And just as beautiful as Julia Roberrts too :)
Hilarious about her turning her nose up at your McDonalds! I love her already!!
Mya is a sniffer too! Everything!
Glad Gracie is getting some much needed rest!
Awwww, sleeping beauty! Love that! I can't wait to see her and Wesleigh together....and their coordinated outfits and hairbows. :) Sleep well my friend!
So glad to see her sleeping. I am sure you welcomed the quiet. I had to laugh at the smelling/sniffng thing. Kate does that too. She always has. One day, about month or two ago I had a sweater on and Kate sniffed it and said Mom, you sweater smells like Miss Di. She sniffed me all day. She sniffs her lovey for comfort. She has an incredible sense of smell and it is like a coping mechanism or a way to make sense of things. I have always wondered about it. Now I am really fascinated to hear Mya is a sniffer too.
Gracie is so so so so so eautiful. My boys LOVE the funny faces she is making in the post below. She just looks so full of personality.
Love you.
I am going to e-mail you here in a minute.
She is such a stunning girl. Just beautiful. I am so happy that things are going well. I can't wait to see her home with her brothers and sister. I wonder if she will give them a little sniff too? Good thing Eli isn't her brother, she would think he was stinky for sure! He's always in the dirt or picking up bugs and running wild.
She is breathtakingly beautiful!
Oh she is just adorable awake or asleep! So glad things are going well:)
So pretty and peaceful as she sleeps.
So sweet!
SO pretty!!! Your updates are awesome. I can't wait to see her with the rest of your gang!!!
There is nothing more beautiful than a "sleeping child". Enjoying each update tremendously!!!
What a beautiful sleeping princess!!! Blessings tonight!!!
Breathtaking for sure! She is seriously one of the pretty girls I have ever seen!
She is so perfect and suck a happy kid. I am so happy she slowed down for you for a few.
I had to laugh about your "chunky monkey" comment. You have the same situation as I do. Mia is petite, super skinny- not one ounce of fat on her. Finley is totally average but in comparison to super skinny Mia, Finley is our Chunky Monkey too. Her little butt hangs out of her undies too-- it is really funny when Mia's undies are falling off most of the time cuz there is no butt to stick to!!! I had to laugh about your comparison with the girls. Im sure you will start noticing many other differences but Im sure your girls will end up loving eachother as much as ours do.
I am loving your journey!!!
Christy :)
so thankful she and you all got a respite:). I'm right there with Gracie, can't eat a McyD's hamburger if my life depended on it since I got sick once after eating a quarter pounder:)
Hope you all get a great nights sleep!
She is so gorgeous...what a doll!!!
So peaceful! Glad she is taking naps. It will give you guys a chance to recharge also!
She is gorgeous!!
Beautiful sleeping angel!! Too funny about McDonalds! My Sophie only likes the fries from there too! She's also a sniffer! She sniffed the blankie we gave her in China and still sniffs it to this day, almost 2 years later!
Hope you have a wonderful day with Miss Gracie Joy!
Stunning... Even when she is sleeping!!!! Thanking God for naps today!!!
Sleeping pictures are some of favs. She is a doll. So glad that you get to skype, what a blessing. Continued prayers. Blessings!!
oh she is so cute!! She reminds me so much of my Lucy Joy!!...both in looks a little and personality...those spicy hunan girls!! Love reading all your updates!
2 words: Sleeping Beauty!
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