We had another good day today. We went to church and both girls went to the nursery. They said Gracie cried a little bit, and she was very relieved to see me when I picked them up. The worker said they were very cute together.

Wesleigh was a little crabby again today but not nearly as bad. I made the boys take them outside to play for a while so I could get some things done in the house, so that helped as well.

Some of you have asked about their ages and sizes. They are both 3 and Wesleigh is 2 months older. Gracie is a good 2 inches taller and outweighs her by about 5 lbs. They have completely different builds. Gracie is not fat at all, just thick. And Wesleigh (and all her features) is just tiny. Wesleigh's feet are a size 7 and Gracie's are a 9 :)

AH-DOR-ABLE!!!!!!! I LOVE them. When can kate and I come play?! Kidding. I just want to pinch Gracie's Cheeks!
LOVE these two together!!!!
Sister love is just SO sweet. LOVE seeing your girls together looking adorable!!! Blessings! XO
They are both soooooooooooo CUTE!!!! Love these pics! Looks like a good 2nd day! So happy things are going pretty good! Know you enjoyed being at church with friends...:)
Hope you all have an AWESOME week! Keep those pics coming...love them all!
Sleep well my friends!
These are so precious!!!!! I love TeaCup's hair that way! I wish I could get Ruby to do it!!!! Seriously, so sweet!!! They both look beautiful!!! You are so blessed my friend!!!!!
I would give anything for Emme to pose again!!! Hopefully, soon!!!!!
It looks like a great day 2!!!! Amazing!!
(P.S: I want to take pics on that awesome porch of yours!!!!!! Those columns are so perfect!!)
I can see gracie's protective arm around wesleigh again =) This is supposed to be sweet, but i have the bizarre urge to laugh everytime i remember you saying gracie almost choke wesleigh wrapping her arm around her. Haha.
All in all, I'm just so so glad they seem to 'click', even though they are different in so many ways. God bless your beautiful family.
Ohmyword. Those two are just as cute as can be! I LOVE their outfits too! Beautiful girls!
Could they be any cuter? They are adorable together!
Oh My WORD are those two just the cutest things. Love their outfits!!
Oh my they are so cute together. Love the pictures and hope you are getting rested up...that jet-leg is so hard on our bodies!
Oh my they are so beautiful together!!! I love how Gracie is always touching Wesleigh!! So funny that you used the word thick about Gracie, that is what I say about Madeline too, not an ounce of fat on her she is just thick and sturdy, and of course tough as nails!!:) And of course I love the MJ!
PRECIOUS!!!! What great pictures, what a blessing that Wesleigh has a sister/best budd to grow up with. We have 2 four yr olds that are less than 2 months apart, our Cooper out weighs our Grayson Faye about 8 pounds & is about 2 inches taller than her. Everyone asks well how are they with each other & we say typical brother & sister one minute they're best friends & the next they are fighting, ha!!
Awww... they are adorable together. Love the hair do's. I am amazed how well church went for you all. We didn't go back for a few weeks and he was a cling-on!!
I could not be out of his sight.
Love the porch!
Okay... are you kidding me?? Wow! Wesleigh and Gracie are absolutely gorgeous!! It looks like they are really enjoying each other ~ how wonderful!
Congratulations again... I really enjoyed following your amazing journey to Gracie ~ thanks so much for sharing it! :)
(You have inspired me... :))
oh my goodness! absolutely adorable!
Oh I've been waiting for this!! They are absolutely adorable. Can't wait to hear all about their adventures together. The first pictures are beautiful. Love the hair and MJ clothes.
They look beautiful together! Sisters and soon to be best friends! Look like they are well on their way. What do the boys think about Gracie?
Beautiful Girls!!! So happy y'all are home! Looks like Gracie is fitting in well! ;) She is so pretty,.. just like her big sis... (even if it is 2 mths. older.. ) ;)
So very cute together! So remind me of our last two which are the same age also---different countries. Love your photos!
Awwww, they are so precious!! I'm hoping to come to BR for the HPC women's conference the first week of November. If I do, I MUST come see these cutie pies in person! I'll keep you posted.
Most adorable pictures..they are too cute for words.
Lynette in Laf.
Oh my goodness!! They are absolutely adorable!!! Love their outfits! Have a wonderful day!
So beautiful.
You did good.
Love you!!
Hope you're feeling better each day! : )
oh my... those are the sweetest photos!!!!!! i finally got caught up on your china trip yesterday. so happy for you guys!! you have a beautiful family!
Goodness!! These pictures are beautiful and your girls...adorable!
Such BEAUTIFUL girl!!! They are precious and looks like they love having each other! Love the choking pics and Wesleigh's expression in your last post...LOL!!
Let the fun begin!! :)
All I can say is LOVE! They are darling together!
I am so excited for your family!!! God is sooooo good!! Debbie
Those girls are so stink in' cute! So happy for you to have them both home. I hate that I'm asking here, but when you get a chance, could you let me know if/where you stayed in Hong kong. We're finally trying to book that last hotel.
Your girls are so precious! My daughters are 3 months apart! It is SOOO MUCH FUN!!! :) :)
Sweet, sweet pictures of the girlies! Precious outfits, too...
Oh my! I Love these sweet photos of your beautiful girls!!! And it is SO wonderful to see them together and know that Gracie is finally home!
Sara :)
Love these photos of your gorgeous daughter! Love the colors and seeing them together!
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