I am to the point now that I can't believe Gracie has only been home for 2 weeks (tomorrow). If I'm honest, I can say that our time in China seems like it happened a lifetime ago. It was 2 whole weeks and it is just a blur...amazing how that happens. I have seen a shift in these two over the past few days. Things have shifted from Wesleigh being possessive of me to the two of them teaming up. It is subtle but you can see it in the small glances they give each other. For example, I saw them smile and nod at each other before they poured some water out of the tub the other night :) They are becoming a pair and I love it...even if it means they're ganging up on me! It seems to be most evident when they are being mischievious :) I love the way they call each other in the house. Their little voices are so cute and the way they pronounce each other's names is adorable. Wesleigh still calls Gracie "Gwacie". She is still bossy and I hear my own words coming out of her mouth all the time...pretty funny. Gracie calls Wesleigh "We-suh-lay" and because she usually says it when she's looking for her she says "We-suh-lay-lay". SO cute!
I love this. When Gracie put her arm around Wesleigh's neck, Wesleigh grabbed her hand to hold it.
So...here's a Wesleigh "funny". We have someone in the family who adopted a baby boy this week. I told Wesleigh that her friend had gotten a new baby brother. She said that she "wanted to get one". I told her that we had just gotten a sister. She thought it through for a minute and then responded, "How about a Barbie?" LOL....I am still laughing about it!!
So...tomorrow is school. Wesleigh is so excited, she can hardly stand it. I don't know if Gracie really understands, but we visited the school Wed. and she was happy to play with the kids and wasn't attached to my leg. I'm taking that as a good sign. The car line lets out in front of the playground, so there's no way she's going to let Wesleigh get out of the car and head to the playground without her. At least that's what I'm hoping for :)
I LOVED your post about your life now and am so glad to see the girls as "sisters." Praying for a great day at school tomorrow. Too cute!!
You know if they were separated now for any reason-they would miss each other! The look so cute and I love the hair cutting photo's-they were so pretty when finished. They really can rock the peonies!
Best wishes for you all as they start
school. I can't wait to hear how it goes.
I love your blog! The photography and posts are so entertaining for me while I wait to go pick up my baby sister in China. What camera do you use? Your photos always look so professional!
Love the mj of course and am thrilled to see sweet Wesleigh grab onto Gracies's hand when around her neck, priceless!
I cannot believe that they have become attached to each other so quickly! This is what we have prayed for, but WOW! I was concerned that sweet Wesleigh wouldn't hold her own with such a fireball, but sounds like she's still bossy!! Great pictures. Can't wait to spend some time with them. Can't wait to hear about school!
Hope all goes well at school with this dynamic duo!
Looks like you got the photos of the two girls together you have been hoping for! Adorable!
Good luck with school!
Absolutely PRECIOUS! Your pictures are really good. They should be models for Matilda Jane! The bonds are forming now that will last their lifetime!! I would love to hear them talking to each other on video. Please post! My boys love the video of Gracie in China (singing in Mandarin!).
such sweet girlies! Love the side braid & will be stealing that very soon :)
Adorable!! Can't wait to hear about school.
A friend posted your blog on facebook and i have loved reading about your sweet family! I also have to ask what camera you use...we are inthe market for one before we head to ethiopia and your pictures are just amazing!!
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