**I was asked about the girls' backpacks and if they would be big enough to use for kindergarten. The brand of the backpack is Belvah. I found Wesleigh's in a boutique for 50% off before I even knew Gracie existed! I spent the summer searching for one for Gracie that would coordinate. I finally found Gracie's at a kiosk in the outlet mall in Gulf Shores! Crazy! I don't know if they would be strong enough for kindergarten. I would be afraid it would get super dirty and not hold up for the whole year. They're only about $20 though, so it's not a huge investment. My sister in law did the monograms.

**Got Love? Gotta love this shirt! Lots of you wanted to know where to get this shirt...And now they have a new item...Tervis Tumblers!! I don't go anywhere without one of my Tervis tumblers!! I have smaller ones for my coffee and bigger ones for my water and sweet tea :) I had to make sure I ordered mine before I posted this link!! You can find it all here.
**I was asked where I get all the girls' clothes. I seem to get them from all over. We do have some great boutiques here, but honestly, I really don't buy alot there. When I do, it's almost always on the clearance rack. I try to buy the summer clothes when it's on clearance for the next summer. It's not easy to do because the extra money isn't always there, but if I can swing it, it's so worth it! I get so excited when it's time to pull out summer clothes and I find brand new clothes ready for them! The halter dresses the girls wore in the pictures of all 5 kids are an example of that. I bought those are the end of last summer. (I got them both for Wesleigh). I do buy some Matilda Jane each season. It is probably the priciest clothes I buy. It's my guilty pleasure, but I've been getting pickier about it. So far, this fall, I've only bought a couple of pieces. A couple other brands I've splurged on are Missie Moosie and Swanky Baby Vintage.
I have been blessed to have sweet friends who have daughters a size bigger than Wesleigh. They have been so generous to pass some amazing things down to Wesleigh! This has really helped the clothing budget!!
I find clothes at resale stores. This little outfit, I bought for super cheap and just had it monogrammed. (Yes, my sister in law)

Target is a favorite of mine too. This sweater is so cute and it's from Target. All my basics like t-shirts, turtlenecks, etc. come from either Target or Old Navy. I love to buy the $5 tanks and turtlenecks and then have them monogrammed. We do alot of that. The jeans and boots here are from Gap. I splurged on those because I just couldn't live without them!!

And, of course, we can't forget Zulily! I just downloaded their app so now, I'm really in trouble!! I just got two packages in yesterday of some really cute fall clothes, and ordered some knit ruffles pants for $18 today! I can't wait until it turns a little cooler here so they can actually wear some of it!!
I guess that's about it. I do not ever walk the malls. Not that I don't want too, but it's just never worth the trouble. I end up spending money I don't have. Especially since Gracie has joined the brood...you will not catch me dead in the mall unless it's for the hour they're in school!
**My camera and lenses. I have had some really sweet comments about my pics lately. I took Lisa's photography class in the spring and have been shooting in manual most of the time. I would recommend that class to anyone who wants to learn more! I use a Nikon D90 with an inexpensive f1.4, 50mm lens most of the time. The football pics however were shot with a 70-300 lens and I cheated and set the camera on the "running man" action setting. I am happy with alot of the shots I have gotten, but it's been very frustrating too!! It's still hard for me to think of everything I need to at once.
** My weight. LOL!! Yes, Debbie, I have lost a good bit of weight. I call it the 2 yr. old adoption weight loss plan! I never thought of myself as heavy, so I never really tried to lose weight. I am the type that loses weight when things get stressful :) Right as we were planning to travel for Wesleigh, I had all those issues with the USCIS office and then with the NVC and consulate. I dropped a good bit of weight between that time and actually traveling for Wesleigh. Once we got her, I was working more physically that I had in years, so the weight never came back. Again, this time before we traveled, I started dropping weight. Not because of any big stresser...just the busyness of packing and getting 4 kids ready to be left behind. I also didn't eat alot in China. (Gracie made restaurants miserable!!) By the time I left China, I was at an all time low...too low, I think. Richard had started ordering full fat latte's for me at Starbucks to try to fatten me up. I am not complaining!! I would much rather have my clothes too big than too small!! I have gained a couple pounds back, but honestly, I have very little time to even sit down these days...I did just eat a handful of M&M's though :) And Debbie, you asked how I look so good all the time! Don't forget that I am the one who gets to pick the pictures that get on this blog!! I am also the one who has to say "take a picture of me"! I don't say that when I'm in my Nike shorts and no make up!! I will say that I do not photoshop my wrinkles! I don't want to look back and see some odd version of what I really looked like. I earned every line I have!! Thanks for the compliment though!!
Ok....that's a start! I will start working on the Gracie/adoption questions next. So many are interrested in her English, so I'll post a video too :)
I love finding good finds at resale shops too! And I agree completely, Zulily is just Dangerous!! I missed those pants today though. Probably a good thing! :)
Just happy to be your friend!!!! And, of course super happy that Emme Jade is going to be the recipient of some of those precious clothes!!!!! I love the comment about "you get to pick the pics!!!" Amen Sister!
Love ya,
Great responses! I had to comment and let you know I absolutely LOVE Zulily!! When you provided that link I casually...ok...I QUICKLY clicked on the linked and found two great pair of shoes for my sweet girl!! I have to say eBay is really fun, but it can be addicting! Would you mind sharing the link on fb of the girls clothes! I have found a great one that resells "custom made outfits"! I have several outfits that Bre has outgrown, so I will upload and hopefully sale them. Love all the monogrammed outfits! You can fb me the msg abt the site or I can ck back here! Thanks!
Okay - well, the fact that you don't hide your wrinkles makes up for the fact that you are skinny :) Ill let that slide!! No one ever asks me where I get anything - I must just not have good taste!! heh!!
What about the hat WJ is wearing with the Target Sweater and the gap jeans & boots? Im gonna needs some hats too. (sigh!)
You have great taste, Jennifer!
I so want to take Lisa's class! I need to watch out for hints of her doing that again. In case any readers are interested, Lexi has the same backpack and we got ours on Etsy (LOVE ETSY!!!) it was 26.00 and that included the embroidery. Here is the link http://www.etsy.com/listing/72879725/
Your girls are just too precious:) And I have always loved your taste in clothes.....have a great weekend!
Thanks for linking to our blog! It was very nice of you to mention the Tervis tumblers, too!! I'm going to have to check out some of those girl clothes...the clothes are so cute!!
I love the way you fix your daughters' hair!!! I have a little girl who just turned 3 and it is a struggle to get her to let me do anything with her hair. Could you please tell me how you get your girls to let you do their hair? Any advice would be very much appreciated!!! :-)
HI Jen,
So nice of you to share all your "goodies" with all of us!
And as always, for keeping it "real" by telling us you bargain shop (I love ebay too). And wrinkles?? I say, Got Kids? Got Wrinkles, LOL!
I love to read your posts because you tell it "straight up" and without all the drama:)
Have a great weekend!
God Bless,
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