Well...no picture of all the kiddos, but at least 2 of the boys made it into pics :) Truly, you want to see these girls go at it...put a brother in between them. They love those boys!! (and those boys love them!!) I think the weather is supposed to get better tomorrow and we will all be home. I'll try to get them together for a shot :)

The most exciting news of the day (sorry Braden) is that the girls were asleep in bed by 8:25 tonight!!! Richard is upstairs watching a movie with the boys and I'm laying in my bed...AWAKE...with the tv on something other than Dora, and the computer on my lap. I am happy!! I had to share these pj's with you! I got them right before China but just pulled them out. They are Carter's brand and the girls were so excited! They definitely both like to spin like ballerinas. Good thing they start dance this month!! I can't wait!!

Enjoy the holiday tomorrow!! I know I plan to!
Happy birthday, Braden!
On my way to get a pair of those pjs for our little miss!! TOO CUTE on the girlies!!
I'm enjoying all the pics and updates! Know your loving the fact things are settling down a bit...:)
Enjoy Labor Day with your Family!!!
Gotta add this...I LOVE your brick floors!! You've gotta send me some full pics of it...would love to change mine!!!
Happy birthday to your Braden~ wow another teenager. :) Yes, we have a young woman, two teenagers, one school age and two preschoolers~ never a dull moment!!! LOL Love all your photos and seeing your family bond and adjust to the newness going on. Yay to sleep in your own bed!!! Blessings for a great holiday! XO
Happy belated Birthday Braden! Your sisters are so lucky to have a big brother like you.
Jen, LOVE the pics of the girls in their pjs. Tutu cute! :)
Hope the weather cooperates so you can get some more pics with all the kids. Our weather here in Dallas is awesome this morning. 69 degrees and breezy! A wonderful break after 60+ days of triple digits. So ready for Fall!
Happy Labor Day!
Cute, again! I bought those same PJ's for Emy at Kohl's at a deal! (They are a 2T--so she may have to wait just a little bit!). Whew, I can't imagine buying two of everything!!!
I think buying two of everything sounds like a dream :)
Happy Birthday to Braden! Wow, a teenager! That'll be me next year - I'm not sure I'm ready! I am sure your house is always fun!
Your Braden sounds just like my Kyle....and Richard looks like he has a hand full..too cute.
Lynette in Laf.
Happy Birthday, Braden! I love seeing your boys with the girls! There's nothing Sweeter to me!!
Oh, by the way...Keep posting pics of the girls in their cute getups! Molly's reaping the benefits.;)lol
Happy Birthday Braden!!! And YAY to the early bed time!!! WooHoo!!!
Happy belated Birthday Braden!!! *love the jammies*
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