My little sweetie has been struggling with the food situation in our house. I am not Chinese...and I don't cook like I'm Chinese :( Gracie has been a good sport, and together we have negotiated meals that are not horrible and have a little bit of nutrition as well. But....today, she had enough. After being bribed to eat grits, oatmeal, spaghetti, shrimp pasta, red beans and rice, scrambled eggs, etc....the peanut butter sandwich did her in! She just couldn't do it anymore and had a melt down. It was the first fit she's had since she's been with us, and honestly, I don't blame her. Most of the foods she tries makes her gag, but offered a grape, she is willing to swallow it....poor baby. Tonight, Richard came home with a bag full of Chinese take-out...just for her! When we started opening up the containers, she was SO excited! That sweet baby ate dumplings like there was no tomorrow. I have plenty left over for all 3 meals tomorrow, and I have no doubt, she will be thrilled. I am so amazed at this child and what it must take to leave everything you know and understand...and do it with a sweet spirit and good attitude. Life is good :)
What a precious little treasure she is... bless her sweet heart! Khloe can eat dumplings like there is no tomorrow STILL... I think that is one thing she will ALWAYS love. I probably should attempt making them one of these days. I've even watched videos on YouTube to learn the proper techniques! LOL!! ;)
You are truly blessed with another very precious little girl. I love that she has been such a trooper. Khloe adjusted quickly to our food, but she was much younger and I'm sure her taste buds weren't nearly as developed as Gracie's are. Glad to hear her baba brought a bag full of Chinese takeout just for her!!
It takes some time for her to get used to american food, nice that she makes efforts. You don't fix her hair in braids no more ? I think that suits her best.
Oh girl that is so hard!! I remember that dance of trying to figure out what they liked.....I don't think I left the kitchen for the first few days. Just keep the Chinese food place on speed dial for awhile!
I can just imagine living full time in China and missing the foods that I love. So sweet that Dad saved the day with some Chinese food. She is such an amazing girl. I am so happy for you all :)
A few friendly suggestions for cooking.
Try making some 'like chinese' food at home. We have the cookbook, "The Everything Chinese Cookbook: From Wonton Soup to Sweet and Sour Chicken-300 Succulent Recipes from the Far East (Everything Series)" and it provides some fairly basic and easy recipes. You can make Lo Mein using spaghetti noodles-- I think the primary thing is the sauce used in the dishes. I no longer worry too much about having the 'right' veggies-- whatever I have on hand, I use.
Dumplings aren't too hard to make-- you can buy the wonton wrappers in the grocery store and ask the meat dept. to grind some pork if there isn't any on the shelves. Other family members can help wrap them-- I liken it to making cookies as a family activity.
I use to steam eggs for my daughters-- a big pot with a little water in the bottom and a bowl with the scrabled raw eggs (with a little bit of soy sauce mixed in) set in the pot of water. Cover and let the water boil-- the steam cooks the eggs. It fluffs up and will feel a bit firm to the fork when it is done. I also used the noodle bowls (like ramen noodles) and would mix in steamed veggies that I had steamed as well as bits of meat.
Best Wishes!
Once again we see what amazing parents you guys are. Yes, she's been a trooper, but you guys have stayed sensitive to her needs. I love seeing you guys come together to create this family God has given you. I can only imagine the joy you got from seeing her eat her take out. Sweet thing!!
What a trooper, indeed! It is great to hear how you all have been working with her and compromising with the take-out.
What a trooper! Maybe this is the time for the whole family to learn how to cook some Chinese dishes? :)
I LOVE her, and I LOVE this photo of her!!!!!!
Can't wait to see the new doos!!!!
What a truly beautiful picture of Gracie! I love this shot almost as much as Gracie loved her dumplings!! :)
I can only imagine not only adjusting a total NEW WORLD, but NEW TASTE and FOODS as well! She amazes me more and more with each post!!
Personally, I think ANY hairstyle Gracie wears suits her!! Seriously, that babygirl could rock the "BEDHEAD" and still be adorable!!
I stand amazed that she hasn't grieved for her homeland. Can you explain your thoughts on that in an upcoming post?
As for the food, you just let me know what foods she likes and we can always help you with the take-out!! Love to you all! L
That is one aspect that I would not have even considered. I have a difficult enough time cooking for my kids as it is. I can't imagine the cultural food difference added to it. But, I am sure things will get better! She is seriously adorable, her grin is infectious!
Oh Jen...this post breaks my heart. it just makes you realize how much we ask of them to leave behind. We get Kate dumplings almost every week as she LOVES them too and always has. Dave got a wok and has learned to make some CHinese food . it is not difficult. Hug that cute lil dumplin for me.
Hi Jennifer!! Your little dumplin is beyond adorable!! We are working on our online classes for our Home Study right now, and one of the classes (With Eyes Wide Open... I'm sure you've either done it or heard of it) just breaks my heart. Having to explain and plan for all we will do to accommodate and cushion the transition for our little one just floors me. I hope to do my very best to ease the pain of bringing her into our family. Looks like ya'll are doing a GREAT job!!! With Love...
What a sweet little girl she is and such an ovecomer. If I hadn't been born and raised in Louisiana, I'd gag at some of the things we eat there too. Come on now, if you were raised on grits, that is one weird texture in your mouth!! And I can't wait for the post when she experiences her first crawfish boil. LOL
Gracie, you amaze me!! Way to go Richard for bringing home the take out! I'll have a #11 with fried rice please. :)
When all else fails call for Chinese take out - love it!
Sweet girl.... I am sure she was trying so hard not to offend you . IT would be so hard to be taken away from everything we know forever. She really is special and such a trooper.
Way to go Dad! You saved the day and the next.
Yay for takeout! I know she will be more than thrilled. SJ had some of the same issues and still is picky about some foods. SO thankful she is doing so well!!! XO
My daughter was the same way about food. We finally found a potsicker that she loves. She said it tasted the most like REAL Chinese food! They have them at our Walmart. They smell kinda stinky when you cook them.
Good move...poor baby..poor mamma! I don't if this will help, but my boys could always be satisfied with spaghetti noodles tossed in sesame oil and a little soy sauce...easy and just maybe?
Bless her sweet heart, she must feel 100 times worse than we all felt in China, just wanting something "normal" to eat! The picture is your best yet of your gorgeous girl! I have to say she is SUCH A TROOPER! Madeline would have spit at you and tried to bite you by now haha!
This is a gorgeous photo and a gorgeous little girl.
And I can only imagine that she must have been so happy to see those dumplings!
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