It's 9:00 and I'm sitting in the girl's room waiting for Miss Gracie to give it up. They had school today and she took a nap, but Wesleigh didn't. This means that Wesleigh was exhausted and fell asleep in 5 minutes...and I still sit here with Gracie. This is the first time I've brought my computer in here though. I'm thinking it was a great idea! Catch up on some blogs since I'm stuck here anyway! The girls did great on their second day of school. Gracie did cry when I dropped them off, but it was only for a couple of minutes. I have been making sure I'm in the front of the carline for pick-up. I think seeing other kids leave would make Gracie very nervous, so I want to be first. Today, when they brought the cars around, the girls could see me through the window in their class. Gracie just about lost her mind. Thankfully, she didn't start crying this time, but she was at the window screaming (I could hear her in my car) and waving frantically at me. It was very sweet, but very sad at the same time. It wasn't really "Mommy, I'm so happy to see you" behavior. It was more like, "Mommy, you really came back!" behavior. It just breaks my heart. I know that those fears and worries will subside eventually, but it's so sad to think of the stress she must feel sometimes. That might make you wonder why I would decide to put her in school so soon. Well, there are a couple of reasons. First, if you spent even a day with would see that she needs to be around other children. She also needs a place to let out some of that creative energy! Second, Wesleigh is SO ready for school. She has been waiting for months! She would not, however, like for me to leave her and then keep Gracie with me. Honestly, Gracie wouldn't like it either! She'd be bored to death! So, school it is...and don't think for a second, I'm not loving my 3 hours by myself!! it is!! I finally did it! I have pics of all
five of my children! They were great! Each boy was exhausted from a weekend of sleepovers and football games, but I had warned them since noon on Sunday that at 6:45, they were expected on the front porch dressed in somewhat decent clothes :) They have been trained well enough by now, that they know they'd better just grin and bear it, or they would be there for a LONG time! I was very impressed and so excited about the outcome! Here are just a couple (I actually got quite a few great ones!):

I'm posting them now, expecting to take some more for Christmas cards, but I wouldn't be too surprised if things didn't work out that way, and you see these again when Christmas rolls around!
Yay!! Gracie Joy has given in and is in dreamland. I get to get off of this hard floor and go to bed myself! Sweet Dreams!
Jennifer, what fantastic pictures. The kids look awesome all together. I feel sorry for all future suitors-3 older brother's and Dad too! ;)
Such beautiful children you have, and the boys did a great job on their outfits, you've trained them well!
Great pics Jen!! All your kiddos are adorable! So glad to see the 5 of them together. So cute!
Great photos! What a sweet family!
Love the photos!
As a parent who has not adopted I found it so interesting to hear the story behind to school or not to school. Always lots for you to consider and think about. Thanks for sharing!
Great pics of ALLl 5! I hard time getting 3 to smile, so kudos to you for getting 5! :)
Oh I love it!!! Your kids are such great sports!!!
Sophia responded the same way when she went to daycare. Everytime I picked her up, the look on her face was total relief that I had come back for her. It is heart breaking. It took about two weeks for her to truly understand that I will always come and get her.
LOVE these Jen!!!
Goodness me... Anonymous.. REALLY?!
Jennifer, your children are beautiful! I love the picture of them all together, its so sweet! Can't wait to see those Christmas photos!
Beautiful pictures of children that I can see are well adjusted and well loved by wonderful parents :)
Lynette in Laf.
I heart that second picture so much!!!! I think it would make the perfect christmas card(if need be) Great to see them all together!!!
It does break your heart to think that each day Gracie gets dropped at school and she wonders is this the day she doesn't come will fade, and I think it is great they are there together....that has to help:) Oh and god love the the few hours to get stuff done. Wish I was relaxing and enjoying it, but instead I am running around like a CRAZY woman trying to squeeze EVERY single last thing I can get done into those precious hours:) But then like you when the time comes I am ready to head to school for pick up!!!
Jen, love the pics!!! About the one comment, I think those that don't have active children just don't understand the child's need to be around other children and to be social. Please don't take others comments to heart, you know what is best for YOUR child and that is between your family and God, and not anyone else who may read your blog!! Live and let live,goodness!
You are a wonderful mom and doing the best you can, kuddos to you friend! Ok I'm getting off my bandwagon now, sorry it just got to me!!
By the way I did order some MJ for my sweet baby today, now if we can just agree on a name!!
Anonymous...think you need to find another blog to follow...
LOVE all the pics of the kids!!! Looks like they are all LOVING LIFE TOGETHER!!! you are following your heart and know what's best for your children. Can't wait to see the Christmas card!!
Blessings sweet friend
Yeah I couldn't wait to see all five together. Just precious. Maybe anonymous needs to spend more time in the word learning how to NOT judge others Ugghh!
I'm not an adoptive mom, so I can't speak from that vantage point... but, Anonymous 1 & 2, REALLY? Unless we are in this family's shoes, we really can't make that kind of judgment.
I *love* following your blog and absolutely *love* seeing the pictures of your family, especially those precious girls! Each time I see them together I can't help but think of what great friends they will be as they grow up together!
What a wonderful family! What stunning kids you have! Thanks for sharing!
When you take a child out of EVERY single thing they know to be of comfort and throw every curve ball you can throw at them I think you need to offer them a little of the comfort that they knew before. Gracie came from an orphanage where she was surrounded by kid's 24/7 like it or not that was her life for 3 years. Lucky for her she found a forever family that has given her a lot of siblings(she would have hated my house being an only child) and I think you are right that for both girls school was the right decison. I think you would have not done it had you not thought she would thrive and was ready to do it!!! You can obviously work on attachment the other 158 hours a week that she is home with you and her family. BTW and actually be a better mom because you have a whole 9 hours to get about a 100 hours of work done(I love the statement "time for yourself" LOL)
What is that she speaks of??? I can't even go to the bathroom alone, and I am so busy working while my child is at school for 10 hrs a week that I don't take the time to go then either!!!
I think giving a child that has been in such a structured and routine enviroment that is filled with other children and stimulation that sorry we as mom's just don't provide while our kid's are home even with the BEST intentions was a good decison. So please do not be hard on yourself....You know it just comes with the territory:(
I think every child is different, and I do think it appears from Gracie's personality that going to school was something she probably craved and needed and I think it is GREAT she and W are there together!!!
Whatever Anon....We have all studied attachment(remember we are required to do so) Please go read someone elses blog!!!
What great pictures! So glad they are enjoying school. Take Care
Oh, sweet Gracie! I am glad she finally gave in to sleep! It will get better. Mya (4th week of school this week) has STILL been adjusting! Coming home HUNGRY and a bear! And desperately needing sleep :) I know it's a transition period, which means tht its temporary (thank goodness!)
LOVE seeing those 5 kids of yours together! I can't wait! I don't think my small porch is big enough :)
Wow, I agree as a adoptive mom of 2 and two more biologically. I agree with the school decision you made. When we got our two home I still had to work, therefore they had to go to daycare for a few months. It was the only way we could swing it.after the 4th day home I had to go back. That was 5 1/2 years ago and they are VERY attached . My son was 3 1/2 the day we got him. My daughter was 9 months. i worried about attachment, but once I saw how well they did at school with the confidence that I came back each day, there were no issues! They thrived in the daycare/preschool atmosphere. They needed the masses of people and organized structure that school offered! We were able to attach when they saw me come back day after day at pick-up! We never encountered any issues regarding attachment. They were home with my husband and I each night and woke up every morning here as well. You do what you feel is are supported! Love your blog! Jen at
Beautiful pictures Jennifer! Your babies are just beautiful!!!
Annon....Time to move on!
I LOVE the pictures of your five! So glad things are going well, we are getting back into the school swing and it is good!
These are great Pictures Jennifer!! That is quite an accomplishment getting such a good shot of FIVE kiddos...Still getting used to saying you have FIVE...Wow!! Love the pics and can't wait to get my Christmas card photo!
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