It's not often that any of the boys will ask me to take their pics but Bryce could not wait for me to snap some pics of his ring. I was more than happy to oblige. I guess it's almost time to think about senior pics...Lord, help me! Next fall, I will have one starting his senior year and two starting kindergarten!!!!

Oh how I love this boy. He has grown up to be a funny, compassionate, amazing young man (with a touch of sarcasm that warms my heart :) He is about 5'10" now and we think he'll squeak out a couple more inches before he's done. He is loyal to his convictions and will tell his mama he loves her, even if he's with his friends. He is responsible and considerate and watching him with his sisters could make anyone fall in love with him! He's a blessing and I thank God for him every day.

As much as I wish I could freeze time, I am also so excited to see what Bryce does with his life. I know God has big plans for him!!