"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." -James 1:27
My two girls started life very differently. Wesleigh in an orphanage, and Gracie in a foster home. We all know that love makes a tremendous difference in every child's life, but sometimes we forget that love that comes from a "China mom" while they wait, will have the same unbelievable difference. Just look:
Wesleigh at 16 months (the original pic had a fly on Wesleigh's arm. I photoshop'd it off)

Gracie at 18 months

Wesleigh being held by a stranger by her crib in the orphanage:

Gracie, in her home with her China mom, opening the gift we sent her:

Wesleigh came to me severely delayed. Gracie came to me, developmentally on task. Wesleigh is fine now, but we had to spend alot of time just teaching her what a mom and dad were. It was heartbreaking.
So...what can you do? You can directly impact an orphan's life. You've seen me post about the Fill Your Stockings promotion. This is an easy, one time gift that also gives you the opportunity to win some amazing prizes. For every $5 you donate, you have 1 chance to win! Pearl River uses the funds collected through this promotion to fill in the gaps throughout the year. There is a goal of reaching $5000 by the end of this promotion. We still have some work to do!!! We need your help!! Please help us reach our goal for these precious children!
Of course, we are always looking for monthly sponsors also! $35 a month will change a life!!!
My goal of this post is not to make you feel guilty, but it is to make you stop and think. Even if money is tight, I know you have $5 to invest in a precious life. And if you're still reading this, I know you care!
The giveaway that is up today, ends Friday!! There will be one more giveaway before the promotion ends. Don't miss out!!! There are some precious children in China who are counting on us!!!
I love you friend!!!! That first photo of Teacup just causes me to pause.. It's hard to remember a day when she was not Wesleigh Jane!!!! You are right.. God does not call all of us to go.. But, He does challenge us to do something! So thankful He chose us for this journey together... It's been such a blessing..
I am thankful for the work you do for PRO, and for those feeling the tug to go!
Yes we have work to do.. Thankful to have you on my team! It's a blessing to make a difference in this way!! Thank you for this post!!
Wow that was powerful my friend. Seeing those photos side by side are incredibly eye opening. Thanks for the cry this morning. Love your heart!
Definitely will do my part. Thank you and ALL the ladies who makes us stop and realize just how PRECIOUS GOD'S PRECIOUS ANGELS are WAITING for their forever families.
It is such an amazing difference! It must be very hard to look at those old pictures of Wesleigh and realize it's the same little bundle of sunshine you have around you now. <3 I've shared this (and will take it down if you mind and ask me to), I hope you can reach that goal!
Two Sweet babies! It is amazing the difference between the two. Our Isaiah has been in an orphanage his whole life. He is 6 now.. waiting for his 4-ever family. I am praying that God will see us through those delays (if any)...
LOVE.. is a sure changer!
The contrast makes me cry! Wesleigh and Gracie's lesson of a lifetime to me - the difference a little love makes! And look at all the love they give back to everyone they meet and especially to those privileged to be their "fam-i-lie" as Wesleigh calls us!!
I have followed your blog for a while now after finding it on a local families blog of their adoption journey. You could say you have created a larger pang in my heart for orphans! After seeing this blog entry and the amazing difference that PRO is making I have committed to sponsoring a child for a year. I just wanted to let you know that you are making a difference in many orphans lives just by putting your story out there! May your family have a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
Alisha in Kansas
I have followed your blog for a while now after finding it on a local family’s blog of their adoption journey. You could say you have created a larger pang in my heart for orphans! After seeing this blog entry and the amazing difference that PRO is making I have committed to sponsoring a child for a year. I just wanted to let you know that you are making a difference in many orphans’ lives just by putting your story out there! May your family have a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
Alisha in Kansas
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