Here are a couple of pics I couldn't fit in the collage:
fishing for goldfish:

I just love this of Wesleigh :) Ethan ended up in the stroller by accident...he forgot to move during the night! It ended up being one of the best ones though! The girls are so scared of touching him that they just rolled him around in the stroller all day!!

Being held up for a cookie by the lego men:

And my favorite of the year...painting the girls' noses like Rudolph!

Gracie thought it was great and laughed hysterically. Wesleigh, on the other hand, was not so amused! She was not very happy with Ethan!

She finally gave me half a smile :)

I love Rudolph noses!!! hahaha! Madeline would not have been amused either!! Last year Madeline was a little freaked out that he moved at night, one night after a really bad Madeline day Hank and I were tempted to put him on her bedside table staring at her....made us laugh so hard!!! Of course we did not do it since she would not have slept again ever but it was a great laugh not even doing it!
Elvin is our Elf's name and OH BOY...does Bre get excited to see him!! I so wish I would have taken a video of her "having a conversation" with Elvin. It was TOO PRECIOUS!!! I had to laugh bc she told him...now I know you don't talk, but I need you to REPEAT what I told you to tell Santa!!! That girl is serious about her CHRISTMAS LIST!!!I must say "she never touched him" though. Albeit...our schnauzer thought it looked quite appetizing. She would BARK HER HEAD OFF whenever she spotted it!!! Crazy dog!!!
PS LOVE the LOOK on Wesleigh's face! PRICELESS!!! Uhhh yes....Bre would have thought it was HILARIOUS...just like Gracie!!
LOVE the red noses~ ADORABLE!!!!! XO
Whew, our elf was a dud for a few nights....kind of like our tooth fairy is, sometimes!! Our elf TP'd our tree before we had it decorated! I read on FB that one mom had to throw her elf and the floor as she was "checking to see where he had moved" and said "that elf just flew right into me!!" Too funny! Our elf came December 1...I am sure glad we didn't have an "over-ambitious" elf that arrived before Thanksgiving!
Seriously, I think you have the happiest blog ever. So colorful and beautiful! The pictures are amazing.
Happy Holidays!
Oh now that's funny!! I love Wesleigh's face..haha
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