We stopped in and visited Kim and the 3 peanuts for a little while. I think my crew might have been a bad influence. Just look:

This group shot cracks me up! By this point, I was just about pushing my kiddos out the door, so we'd leave before they broke something!

I'm being a bit (tiny bit) dramatic. The girls had a blast together, and Gracie thoroughly enjoyed pulling every toy Kate owns out onto the floor, while the boys built a fire outside :)

Love you, Kim! Thanks for feeding us and letting us invade your gorgeous home for a little while :)

Our next visit was with Amber and her crew. I got to meet Amber and her family right before they traveled to China to get Miss Mia, so I was anxious to meet the newest member of their family. She is precious and had us laughing all night.

Mia is the teeniest little thing and she fell in love with Bryce. He sat and played with her most of the night. She loved to follow him around and I wish I had taken a picture of that. I don't think she came up to his knees :) Mia makes the funniest faces you've ever seen and I love this shot of the two of them :)

Now the whole reason we were in Houston in the first place! We were able to spend some time with Richard's parents and sister. The girls kept Grandma Bec busy playing Memory, reading books,

playing at the park and decorating cupcakes

and Grandpa taught the boys new games

Daddy almost gave Grandma Bec a heart attack when he put Gracie on the the table to dance :)

Heather and the girls

The family

Oh...what can I say??

Richard came down with the flu while we were there. He put on the bravest face he could, but spent all of Christmas Eve in the bed after we got home.
I know Grandpa and Grandma Bec enjoyed us being there, but I'm pretty sure they were happy to see our car drive off too! lol... They are probably still recuperating!
I am so sorry that Richard got sick!! That is awful. I hope he is feeling better now. We enjoyed having you here and y'all are welcome anytime!!!
Love the funny face photo. We have been doing those too!
Oh this makes me miss you!!!! The kids are awesome and would fit right into my family:) Bring em on!!! Can't wait to see the rest of Christmas!
Beautiful pictures, beautiful family!!
What a wonderful holiday! LOVE that you were able to visit with friends AND family!!! Sure hope Richard is better! Blessings and love!!! XOXO
looks like the perfect recipe minus the flu for an amazing Christmas!
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