This is the youngest picture I have. She is 18 months old here which is just about the same age as the referral picture I have of Wesleigh. Look at her little hair how it curls out! Gracie spent her entire first year in the hospital. She has a repaired megacolon. I can't even imagine that she spent an entire year having surgery(ies?) without a mother. Almost more than this mama can handle! What is amazing to me about her is her spirit. Her zest for life shows in every picture I have.

I'm guessing Christmas of the same year ;)

Look at her chubby fingers and cheeks! We call Wesleigh "tiny hiney". Gracie might be our "chunky monkey" ;) Her measurements say that she is the same height as Wesleigh but 5 lbs. heavier ;)

So how about this one! can you NOT fall in love with that?

This picture is of Gracie with her best little friend. Her friend was adopted a few months ago. This is the first picture I saw of Gracie. The one that got the whole ball rolling!'s one more of Miss Personality! This girl always seems to be bigger than life. I love that about her.

I have group pictures with Gracie and she always seems to be "leader of the pack". You can see that she is always ready for a party and there is never a dull moment with her! Her file says she is obstinant and a little spoiled ;) If I'm completely honest, I think I'm adopting myself!!! I think that's why a part of me is completely terrified!!! Mostly, however, I just can't wait to meet this little girl who has not only survived, but thrived in circumstances a child should never have to.
More on our journey to her later!!
Thank you all for your sweet comments and emails on our announcement! It is so much fun to share Gracie with you all!!
Wow! Thanks so much for posting these. She looks so incredibly happy in every picture! I know you can't wait to get your hands on her :)
You are so lucky to have all these photos!!
You'll have to tell me all about this Pearl River program.
She is so adorable.
Congrats again!!!
Yay for Gracie the party girl:)(but not in college)
She is adorable and how exciting for your family. That face and zeal for life would have made me stop in my tracks and start my paperwork too!!
Wishing you a fast process and a smooth ride of paperwork and just get to that girl already!!!
We call Hayden tiny hiney too, and but she haydenized it with "tiny tiny" and I laugh everytime!!!
Jennifer, Gracie is just adorable. I could just squeeze her little cheeks. I know y'all can't wait to get your hands on her. She is precious!
Oh Jen,
It sounds like you have the same tiny hiney and chuncky monkey as we do here in our house. Besides Gracie being a complete and total doll, your girls seem to resemble mine. Mia has always been the tiny little one with no fat on her entire body, skinny as a rail. Finley on the other hand-- is not so much like that. She has quite the belly on her!! Finley is 3 inches shorter than Mia but outweighs her by 2 pounds. Too funny-- looks like you might have the same scenerio on your hands. Whatever the case, Gracie is 100% pure adorableness and I am thrilled for you guys! I pray you can get her soon and bring her home. Where are you in the process? Have you submitted your dossier yet?
Christy :)
Oh you can just eat her up with a spoon! That child has a zest for life! Can't wait to hear more on your precious littlest one!
Love love love all those pictures!
Precious photos and how wonderful to have as you wait to travel!!! She is a living doll~ full of personality! SO happy for you!!! I can not wait to hear rest of the story!!! SO happy for you~ oh I already said that!!! I really am!!! Whoo hooo!!!!
She is just so precious!! So happy for your family!
Look how beautiful she is!!! I can't even imagine how excited you all are to add to your family. Your Gracie was born one day before my Addison. :) I can't wait to follow your blog to China!
Jennifer I am so HAPPY for you all!!! I knew who she was right away and she is such a hunny indeed! She an Wesleigh will make a perfect pair. Many prayers going your way as you prepare for Gracie and as God prepares her for her new family. Much love, Mary
She is precious!! Love all the pics you have. So glad she's a chunky monkey, that means she probably won't be able to fit in tiny hiney's clothes so you'll have to do more shopping. Can't wait to see all the new adorable outfits!! :)
Cutest lil bunny I've ever seen :) Praying she comes home soon.
Lynette in Laf.
Oh My Word! She is so precios! And I am over-the-moon you guys said YES!!!!! You truly made!
Can't wait to follow your journey along...
Oh my! Her personality just jumps off the screen! She is beyond precious!
That is a little one that will be unstoppable! Goodness, after what she's been through and can still smile like that. So wonderful to see!
Can't wait for more news and pictures. Will have to suck up information on the 'megacolon' thing and look more into Pearl River... I'm guessing they're the reason she's been cared for and been able to have the surgeries. Sound like wonderful people to me. :)
I have been following your blog for a while now and have been following Pearl River too. When I first saw "Gwynne" I fell in love with her too and showed my husband her picture. (Hoping to adopt soon.) You can imagine my surprise when I read that you are adopting her. I am extremely happy that she will be coming to such a wonderful family and even more happier that I will see her grow up through your blog. Thank you soo much for sharing your blog!
She's a DOUGHTY!!!! We love her already! The McGowans
She is just darling..........I can picture her in your family already, Jennifer.
I loved follwing your journey to Wesleigh and little Gracie is so sweet, looking forward to seeing your updates as she joins your family.
Best Wishes, Katie in Liverpool, England
Congratulations! She is a little doll & I just love her BIG smile!!
Congrats! Gracie is beautiful and happy and full of personality! Blessings, Wendy
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