I know it's late and I have so much to share. This weekend was SO busy with 3 birthday parties (2 of them my own kids). I guess it wore on us because Wesleigh and I are both not feeling so hot. We officially have "the crud" :( She got to show off her adorable Valentine's outfit to the pediatrician today.
I will come back and post our weekend when I'm feeling a little better. The weather is absolutely gorgeous, so I'm hoping we feel better tomorrow and can really enjoy it!!
Hope you all had a great Valentine's. Honestly, we don't really do much. I guess Richard's and my valentine's date will be going to the USCIS office Friday for fingerprints!! Oh well...we have 4, almost 5 kids...give us a break!!!
Completely get that!!! Wesleigh is adorable even when she is sick!!! Love her and Happy Valentine's Day~ hope you two feel better really fast!
Blessings and Joy!
Happy Valentines Day..
Love the photo..
Happy Valentine's Day, hope you both are feeling better and the USCIS office sounds like a great date to me!! :)
Sorry you two aren't feeling well. Hope you both feel better soon! She looks so cute in her Valentine's outfit!
OK - I WANT one of everything from TeaCup's wardrobe for Miss Emme Jade!!! LOVE it, and I am sure the Pediatrician's office did too!!!
This is a very special week my friend!
Get Well soon... Like, by Thursday!!!
Love ya,
NO! Don't get the CRUD!
Happy Valentines DAy everyone at the Doughty home!
Ours was great- fingerprints went WAY better than expected. I'm praying yours goes just as good.
Talk to you soon!
Wesleigh is adorable in her outfit! Love it!
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