I am also happy to report that we are enjoying some very warm weather. Braden had his first baseball tournament this weekend, and we were able to get some sun and eat a snowball. Wesleigh's cheeks are red because she was hot.

Visiting with Daddy in between innings.

Braden was lead-off batter today and led the season opener with a triple!! He had a great couple of games and we are so proud of him!

SO thankful the appt went well!!! One step closer to that precious baby!!!
Love and Joy!!!
That's amazing! glad all went well.
And, so darn jealous of your weather.
Happy Weekend.
Yay on the USCIS!! Woop!Wpop!! I am SO not above my man flirting with girls when it works out to benefit me :)
Cute outfit, Wesleigh Jane!
Praying that all else goes well & quicker than usual!! Prayers and blessings!! Precious pictures
Yay!! Your appt. is over, whew! The first picture is Wesleigh is beautiful, and the second with Richard is SUPER SWEET!
Oh that is GREAT news. how did you get that MJ short already. mine still has not come in. i am telling you girl...you rep gets the stuff quickly.
Yeah, Braden, for hitting a triple! What a cute picture of him. He looks so handsome in blue.
Yay! One step closer! And warm weather!
Love the House of Clouds! It takes us forever to get ours :)
That's great news!! We are having wonderful weather too and loving it! Oh, the mention of a snowball- we visited family in Louisiana a few years ago and we we couldn't get enough of them!!! Love, Kim
great news!!!
our first tourney is next weekend! can't wait!
miss w's outfit is so cute!
That is awesome news! We are loving this weather too!
:) Oh Happy Day :)
That whole post and all I saw was TRIPLE!! hahahah Go Braden!
JEALOUS over here for gorgeous weather, and completed fingerprints!!!! That photo of TeaCup with her Daddy is so darn cute!!! LOVE the new MJ outfit on the cutie with the rosy cheeks!!!
so happy for y'all! wesleigh's hair is looking SO thick! and matilda jane needs to hurry up and mail my order! :) her outfit is precious!
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