me: Tomorrow is going to be happy birthday Wesleigh!
W: me?????
me: Yes you.
W: you?????
me: No Wesleigh
W: me??????
(we're working on the pronoun thing) :-)
I think it might lose some of it's sweetness when you can't hear her little voice asking "me".
She was so excited all day and was so patient. The joy she got from having "happy birthday" sang to her brought tears to my eyes. I had to catch myself before I started blubbering. It is just unfathomable to imagine life without her. The sweet, joyful spirit she exuded all day today has left me feeling warm and fuzzy inside.
Here are just a couple of pics from today. I am going to do a 3 yr. post in the next couple of days, but I'm exhausted from this bday weekend and slumber parties!!

Happy Birthday to sweet Wesleigh all the way from Canada! Hope she had a special day.
Thanks for sharing this journey with us!
Ontario, Canada
Happy Birthday Wesleigh Jane!
I agree with you, there is something super sweet about my little girl's birthday too. She has had 2 birthday's with us and she had 2 in China. The Happy Birthday song is her favorite, she loves to make pretend birthday cakes, pretend candles, etc.
I'm glad you guys had a fun day and I look forward to seeing more pictures of your sweetie!
Happy Birthday Wesleigh! When I look at Wesleigh, I see LOVE. God bless!
Happy Birthday Miss Wesleigh! What a big girl your going to be, three years old! Yay! (:
Hope it's a wonderful birthday with many more coming your way!
Happy Birthday!
Kirstie in Nebraska
Miss Wesleigh, may you always know how beautiful you are on this third birthday and for the zillions to come. We are so glad to have been a part of your journey to your forever family. They are an inspiration to us all. Lauren, Jim, Sophie, Sadie
YEAH! I can see your blog now!!! :) Happy birthday Wesleigh!!! Beautiful outfit and can't wait to see more!!!
Happy Birthday to the cutest Wesleigh ever! Seriously that outfit is to die for :) Isn't it amazing how these girls have touched our lives in such a profound way!?! I totally "get" how you feel, hope the weekend is wonderful for you all!
She looks adorable!
Happy Birthday, Wesleigh! To the cutest little 3 year old girl ever! I love the pronoun confusion....too sweet! She is one stylin little girl in that outfit!
Yes, it was the sweetest birthday--she was so joyful! So thrilled that this was HER birthday! As she has the entire year she's been here - she LOVES everything she receives! Wesleigh, what a delight you are to our family! I love you. MawMaw
ADORABLE! A happy day for a happy's written all over her face :)
Lynette in Laf.
Happy Birthday to sweet little Wesliegh! She just looks darling and I love the innocent little pronoun conversation. Those stages are so fleeting and so precious. I cannot believe she is 3!!!! This year has flown in so many ways. But as I think back to all the ways W has grown and blossomed it is truly amazing!
I am glad you had such a nice family celebration!!! I know what you mean about blubbering during the HB song. I have had those same emotions overwhelm me at the same time. It is like you can feel and see so clearly God's miracles in your life.
Lots of love and b-day wishes from us:)
What a princess!!! Happy Birthday Sweetie!!!
Happy Birthday Wesleigh! What an adorable outfit!! Hannah just loves looking at pictures of Wesleigh on your blog and facebook.
Happy Birthday Wesleigh! Love the outfit so very cute!
Happy Birthday to sweet little Wesleigh! OMG.... that outfit is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!! Love it:)
Hope her day was extra special~
Finally had some down time to lay in my bed with my computer tonight and catch up on fb and blogs. Hadn't been on in a while. Oh my Lord!! Jennifer, I can't believe that it has been a year, that she is 3, and how stinkin' cute she is!! What a truly HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! We really do need to catch up. I would love to try to see everyone for some kind of 40 thing, just don't know how realistic it would be. Catch me up on Wesleigh's sister when you get a chance. BTW, love the new "clean" blog!!
Love you, Fran
Birthday Blessings Wesleigh!
Her little haircut is adorable on her! Wish my little gal who just turned three also had that much hair to style!
She is so adorable! Happy Birthday Wesleigh!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Little Princess!!!
The pictures of her are "TU-TU... Cute!!! lol!
Happy Birthday to Miss W. She is just the cutest thing!
Happy Birthday Miss W!!!
I LOVE that last adorable.
Happy Birthday Wesleigh, wishing you many more! Blessings!!
Happy Belated birthday Wesleigh! Sorry about the late wishes, but my granddaughter celebrated her
7th birthday on the very same day! We were consumed with Justin Bieber movies, Hello Kitty cake and everything in btwn...the WHOLE WEEKEND!! I couldnt have asked for a better day with her!!
BTW...Wesleigh is adorable in her bday outfit!
Happy 3rd Birthday sweet Wesleigh! Looks and sounds like you had a great day. Here's to another great year ahead of you!
Happy Birthday, Wesleigh Jane! You are three years old and this is the year you will become a sister and go to "school." Life just keeps getting better and better! You have quite a fan club in blogland, Miss W. Love your birthday smile.
Happy Birthday Wesleigh! So sweet, I can just imagine her voice from video in the past. She's got a good family. :)
And I SO want her clothes in adult sizes! Seriously, I LOVE that skirt, it's so perfect on her. You've got the best taste in clothes! *wanders off to see what goofiness I can find in adult sizes*
Preious TeaCup!!!! I just know God has an amazing third year planned!! I trust He has a very special sister picked out for you to share all you have already learned with!!!! It has been a blessing to watch you blossom in the past year!
I love the outfit your Mommy chose for you. Perfect for your very special day!!!
Miss Di and Ainsley, Sienna, and Ruby too
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