This is the youngest picture I have. She is 18 months old here which is just about the same age as the referral picture I have of Wesleigh. Look at her little hair how it curls out! Gracie spent her entire first year in the hospital. She has a repaired megacolon. I can't even imagine that she spent an entire year having surgery(ies?) without a mother. Almost more than this mama can handle! What is amazing to me about her is her spirit. Her zest for life shows in every picture I have.

I'm guessing Christmas of the same year ;)

Look at her chubby fingers and cheeks! We call Wesleigh "tiny hiney". Gracie might be our "chunky monkey" ;) Her measurements say that she is the same height as Wesleigh but 5 lbs. heavier ;)

So how about this one! can you NOT fall in love with that?

This picture is of Gracie with her best little friend. Her friend was adopted a few months ago. This is the first picture I saw of Gracie. The one that got the whole ball rolling!'s one more of Miss Personality! This girl always seems to be bigger than life. I love that about her.

I have group pictures with Gracie and she always seems to be "leader of the pack". You can see that she is always ready for a party and there is never a dull moment with her! Her file says she is obstinant and a little spoiled ;) If I'm completely honest, I think I'm adopting myself!!! I think that's why a part of me is completely terrified!!! Mostly, however, I just can't wait to meet this little girl who has not only survived, but thrived in circumstances a child should never have to.
More on our journey to her later!!
Thank you all for your sweet comments and emails on our announcement! It is so much fun to share Gracie with you all!!