Yesterday was Braden's 5th grade field trip. Since he will be in jr. high next year, this was probably the last field trip I will be included on. I originally thought I wouldn't go because I felt I shouldn't leave Wesleigh for that long. I then rethought because I knew it would mean alot to Braden if I was there. I'll admit, too, the thought of having a day without a precious 2 yr. old on my hip was a little exciting! (So sad when a 5th grade field trip is a break!!)
So the day mom stayed with Wesleigh and I also kept Cade home to be here as well (I know...bad). She has never been without one of the 5 of us, so I didn't want her to freak out. We loaded the 3 charter buses to drive about 1 1/2 hrs. to Avery Island. This is where Tabasco is produced. I had never been and was really looking forward to it.
We got about 15 minutes away and the bus I was on broke down!! We were able to put the kids on the other 2 buses but they wouldn't let the parents (only 15 of us) get on because they wouldn't allow 3 to a seat! We were NOT happy!
We were on the side of the road for an hour before another bus came to get us. We missed the factory tour that showed how the tabasco is made, and left late to make sure we hit the 5:00 traffic on the way in! We were supposed to be home at 4:30 but didn't make it until 6:00.
This might go down as the worst field trip ever!
Here's a picture of some of the parents waiting.

The island really is beautiful. I would like to have really seen it ;)

Here's my sweetie. I was glad he got to go ahead without me, but know that he was probably worried about me being left behind. That's the kind of kid he is.
The good news is that Wesleigh did great. She was very excited to see me when I got home, and seems to be just fine. She's still sleeping this morning, so I'm enjoying a little quiet to myself!
P.S. Thank you all for your sweet comments about our portraits! I should be getting the CD with many more, so I can't wait to see/share the rest!