He knew what sound the letter "H" made, and looked at the picture for clues. He was looking at what he thought was a donkey, but knew it started with a "h". This is what came out of his mouth, "honkey?". I about fell over. He wanted to know what was so funny. I just told him that it was a funny sounding word. I love stuff like that.
Teaching reading is what I love most about teaching. I love how hard the kids try, and then in February-March, when the lightbulb turns on, and they finally get it.
sweet. We are learning to read too. I love it when Chloe writes me these litle notes and she has to decipher them for me.
I can SO relate to this. Hunter is also in first grade and going thru the same thing. Not sure something so funny has come out of his mouth yet!
Love It! I would have started laughing too. Kids are so funny.
Love It! I would have started laughing too. Kids are so funny.
Remember The Jeffersons (TV), and they would say, "Honky" all the time. That tood me back to the Love Boat days.
that is too cute!
when i was in 1st grade i lived in denham.......i went to southside elementary and was a cheerleader mascot......LOL we were the southside bulldogs. Is that school still there? cuz ya know that was like 100 years ago!
jill :)
Forgot to mention: I'm having a name-my-blog contest, and if you win it's a one year subscription to Real Simple Magazine.
Thanks for posting ;)
That's so cute...thanks for the laugh!
Oh, Yeah, brought me right back to the Jeffersons!! The way he used to say it and everything. I thought about telling him about it, and then figured I'd better not. I could just see them calling each other "honky!" I loved the Love Boat!
Thanks for a great Friday night chuckle!
I just love those moments. I was never very good at this, but try to write these things down (maybe you already do :) They will be even more precious later on.
That is so funny!!! :D As a former teacher and a parent of a child who had a very difficult time learning to read, that funny little moment was an excellent sign of just how well he is doing. He is using all his strategies together, combining what he knows with picture clues and ad libbing when nothing else works (honkey) which is great!
Omg, lol over here... I can so relate to that.
Oh I laughed so loud I snorted!
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