So then it was Bryce's turn. He did well. It was the first time he had ever shot a bow. Here he is with his shots:
If you know me at all, you know that I wasn't about to let those boys think they were better than me, so, yes, that is me.
I kicked their buts too!! I heard Braden say, "Man, and she's a girl". I love that. My boys will never think that girls can't kick their buts!! (At least until they get bigger than me!)
So, on to the football. Braden and Cade have been wanting to play tackle football for a couple of years. I wouldn't let them play because the program here by our house is all consuming for about three months. I can't do that. I found a program that is a little more laid back, and we decided to sign them up. Friday night we got all the equipment they will need. So yesterday Richard promised to play football with them. The problem was that by the time he got around to it, it had started raining. Oh, well, you can play football in the rain. Here they are looking too cute:
I love this one. Cade is mapping out a play on Richard's belly. Richard said to be sure I told you that he was intentionally poking his belly out, so Cade would have more room to write. OK, Honey, whatever you say!!
And here's the best one of all:
So what was Bryce doing during the football game?
Building a fort with the boxes I am packing with, of course. Bryce thinks that anyone who is going to play a game where they know they are going to get hit, is CRAZY! I have to say, he has a point.
Thank you for your sweet comment. You have a beautiful family.
Thanks again for visiting.
God's Speed
LOVE these pictures!! They're so "manly"! (except yours!) You go girl, show them how to do it! :)
Yea, love football season!
Boys with bare chests and feet playing in the rain. Imagine that!
Our families are so similar. Tyler just got a new bow this summer and went practicing at the hunting club with Tim last weekend. He's our only bow hunter though, the rest shoot guns.
its fun to come to your blog after reading all the blogs I read about little girls from China! I love your testosterone filled blog!
Your boys are so fun and ALL boy. LOL I LOVE that you showed them up with the bow! You go girl!
Oh, I see so many friends here..... hee hee... I love that your boys love hanging with their daddy. I hate the thought of killing "Bambi" but I do understand about population control.... I personally find deer to be so beautiful. we have them in our backyard.
Good luck......I can handle the football, but I don't have any hunters in the house. I have several girlfriends that do.....boy.... EVRYTHING revolves around it! I think that would drive me bonkers! lol
There is a lot of this going on over here too. Well, the bow shooting anyway. Not the football. My middle son is getting VERY interested in football, but me and hubby aren't sure we want him to play. Ever. Around here they work these kids so hard (even the little guys) in such extreme heat, every day, and take it just so serious. A friend of ours took her son out after his coach kept cursing at the boys. When she tried to complain the board told her it's a part of football, get used to it or take her son out.
I LOVE the football pictures. Ya'll will be very busy again this season.
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