Mrs. D sees Cade in the morning getting hit with a booksack. Evidently the perpetrator is a little, punk boy who bugs everyone. Students and teachers alike. She fusses at the child, and then had this conversation with Cade:
Mrs. D: Cade, the next time he does that to you, you punch him in the nose.
Cade: Punch him?
Mrs. D: Yes, he bullys everyone around here and the next time, you punch him.
Cade: And I won't get in trouble?
Mrs. D: No, you won't get in trouble.
Cade: OK
That afternoon, Cade comes up to Mrs D.
Cade: That wasn't such a good idea.
Mrs. D: Why?
Cade: Because I told him "Do you want a knuckle sandwich (while he's holding his fist up)?" And he gave me one!
Mrs. D: He punched you?
Cade: Yes, I don't think that was a very good idea.
I have laughed and laughed about this all day. Cade is so much bigger than all the other kids that everyone assumes he is the tough guy. And believe me, around here, he would have no qualms about punching someone. At school, though, he just can't do it.
Please don't get me wrong. We don't teach our kids to punch, but Bryce has been a child who has been picked on quite a bit. He has such a tender heart, though, that he could never do anything about it. I am all about my children taking up for themselves.
I also know, that if Cade would hit or push this child just once, he would never bother him and possibly the other kids again. I can't stand those little punk kids who take up all the class time acting out and making everyone else miserable. They need a taste of their own medicine! (OK, sorry, soapbox moment)
I also admit, that since Cade is my third boy, I am much more relaxed as a mom than I was when Bryce was little. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing.
I don't want you to think the wrong thing about this teacher either. She has been a wonderful teacher for many years and has 5 children of her own. I think she has great wisdom when dealing with these children. She knew where I stood on this issue, so she tried to get Cade to take care of it.
My sweet little bruiser. (This was taken this summer. He was playing around)
Cade just turned 6 at the end of March. He is 4'4" and weighs 70lbs. I don't know where his size came from, but I can't wait to see how big he turns out to be.