We then caught a flight to Changsha and met Ms. Meng at the airport. She had flowers for each of us and it was so much fun to finally meet this little firecracker! You could tell right away that nobody messes with her! She actually kicked a couple of people out of an elevator so all of us could fit on it with our luggage. SO FUNNY!

Our luxurious "taxi" for the day :)

We went straight to find Gracie's finding spot. It was a very emotional experience and such an honor to be able to come back and experience it. We were not able to find all the answers we were looking for, but I'm not very surprised at that. I'm not really going to expound on it here because it's such an intimate part of Gracie's story.
I will share a couple of pics with Ms. Meng. She was commenting on how tall I am (she is tiny!) and so I was bending to get lower. Then she wanted me to stand up and she tip toed to get taller. SO cute!

We finished the night at a fun restaurant that had some super yummy food. What a blessing! This trip already has been an emotional roller coaster. It continues in the morning when we meet our Changsha Pearl River babies and their foster mothers. This includes Gracie's foster mother! I cannot wait to hug her neck and share some funny stories about our little spicy girl!
Here are a couple more pics from yesterday that I just got :)

Di and I tried the tandem bike for about 10 whole seconds...holy moly!! That was an accident waiting to happen!!

Heard you were quite the ROCK STAR over there in China!! You go girl!! LOVE YOUR HAIR!!!
I had to look closely at that Monk's tennis shoes! Please tell me those are NOT "JORDAN'S"!! Ha!!
So wish someone had taken a video of the tandem ride!
Enjoying you ladies updates tremendously and glad to see you are finding pieces to "Gracie's story". What a valuable amount of information to share w/Gracie one day.
So happy you arrived safely and your trip is going well!
I am loving your china posts and photos...keep the updates coming.
I love following you lovely ladies! Wish I were there with you. Those faces are just so precious! Glad things are going well. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
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