We got all the decorations down while the girls were napping. When they woke up, the mantles were done, and some other things out. The girls were SO excited! I am going to post about that later because it was super sweet. The Christmas tree skirt, however, became Gracie Joy's dress. She loved it!

I love this of Wesleigh. She has a hard time taking pics for me sometimes, but this was so natural. I hope we can start doing this more :)

We went and found our tree and got to work. Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling too great, so I wasn't really feeling the Christmas spirit. The kids made up for me though...they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I sat with the ornaments and handed them out. Making sure the breakables went to the big people. The boys took turns helping the girls.

Gracie was pretty much in awe of everything. It was very sweet.

I just had to add these because I thought they looked so cute! I love them in those boots!! These dresses came from my favorite site Zulily!!

None of the pics I took this morning are great but this picture is so horrible, I couldn't leave it out. The boys think that is mean, to me...it's life :) lol... I actually think something we lose with digital photography are the "outakes". With film, the good and bad were all developed and you ended up with a pile of horrible pics. These are the pics that we all look back at now and laugh. With digital, you miss that. If a picture is bad...you just delete it. I make it a point to keep some of those bad pics. If not, what in the world will you embarrass your kids with when they're teenagers???

Hope you're all having a great Christmas season. Don't forget to check in on the promotion that's going on a Diana's blog! There are some great items you can have a chance to win, and all the while, you can help make an orphan's life better!! It's a win-win!! Click HERE to check it out!!!
So sweet to the see the Bigs helping the Littles! Your boys are such good big brothers!! Absolutely love the outtakes. I agree, you gotta have them for the later years. Sweet dresses too!
How it is that a mother of 5 is on top of Christmas and me, a single girl with no children, am completely behind. You're making the rest of us look bad. :) But I've always heard, "If you want something done, ask a busy person." You go girl! You inspire me!!
Such great pictures! You have really captured the "awe" on Gracie's face. She is such an expressive girl. And how fun that they are wearing Christmas ornament dresses to hang the ornaments. I love the bottom pictures, too. So cute that they lean into one another, like they have always been together.
I am so impressed with your organization skills. I am praying for you and Gracie on your trip, hoping for good results. I admire you so much. The realities of saving abandoned children require strength and commitment, and you do so with a joyful heart. You are truly God's devoted servant.
P.S. I was reading my favorite decorating blog today, called Southern Hospitality. The post for 12/1/2011 is entitled "Girls Night Out at Pineapple Park." If you scroll halfway down you will see a bedroom display done in the same pretty pattern as your green and aqua french chairs!
Your eye for detail is outstanding! Love the way you captured Gracie and the ornament. The "outtake" picture was hilarious!! I agree we enjoy the "out takes" with the older kids now!! They are hilarious!! Heads up for future comments from the kids that will go something like this "Oh wow Mom, why in the world did you dress us like that?!!" I always reply "but that was the style....it's was cute"! LOL!!!
Oh, how I wish I lived at your house! Your children are truly "Gifts from the Lord". I always smile when I come here. I'll be praying for you girls as you travel and that all goes well. Hugs ~ Jo
SO true! My Mother and I were just saying the same thing as I deleted some pictures off my camera from Thanksgiving. I ended up saving a few :-)!
I LOVE those pajamas:) Adorable! Zullily too?
Love those christmas decorating outfits they are wearing. It's so nice how they all 'helped' to decorate the tree. I get a little help but not much.
I know Gracie loved decorating her first tree with y'all! What a cute pic of her studying the ornament:)
I always love catching up with you and hearing those sweet girl's voices in the background! Thanks again for Molly's blanket. It's so sweet and she will love snuggling in it for many years to come! :)
Love ya!
I don't even know how to pick a favorite!!! So fun to see "W" in Ainsley's scarf.. Precious pics, all of them. Those red dresses rock!!!
One more week and we will be living it up in CVG!!!
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