We have been here almost 2 weeks and have had such a wonderful place to stay. Arlene (little Grandma) opened her heart and her home to us and we have come to truly love her. I really do not know what we would have done without her. I can't even imagine being in a hotel room with Gracie for the last two weeks!!

Gracie adores her. She gives Arlene hugs and juicy kisses every time she goes to sleep or leaves. I hope Little Grandma enjoyed our visit as much as we enjoyed her!!

Since we've been here, Gracie has fallen in love with Frosty. Arlene has this stuffed snowman and bought Gracie her very own DVD of Frosty! She was so excited!! How cute is this??

Yes...I'm aware that she really shouldn't be inches away from the screen, but it sure made a cute picture :) lol...
I have decided that I'm going to share more about Gracie's special need and what we've been doing here in Cincinnati. I know it's helpful for those who are in the decision making part of adoption to hear others' stories. I will put a post together in the next few days.
Tomorrow, I will wake up in my own bed, and speed off to decorate for Bryce's military ball. I am excited to do that for him and can't wait to see him dressed up in that military uniform tomorrow night!!
I'm SO glad you are so close to home. There's nothing like being in your own bed after a long day... or two weeks! I'm also really glad you have decided to elaborate on Miss Gracie's special need. Justin and I never want to be nosy and we respect all adoptive parent's decisions when it comes to opening up about their children's medical issues, but at the same time, we have been SO encouraged by other's experiences and reading other's stories and perspectives really has helped us "yeh" or "neh" specific needs on our list. Plus, if we should be matched with a child who has a special need the same or similar to one of our friends/blog friends, we know where to go for support and advice! Wishing you a speedy and safe trip home! xoxo Brooke
Yay going home!!! Can't wait to read all about your visit to Cincy, I APPRECIATE IT!!!!!
So glad you will be home soon to enjoy the rest of the holidays with your family. Cincinnati Children's is a wonderful place. One of our friends daughters spend several months there after a tragic accident. She spent many hours after be released in PT there and they have nothing but good to say about it.
I'm glad you've decided to tell us about her special needs because it helps other people to (maybe) consider older special need children adoption (I have no idea if I wrote that correctly, English is not my native language)
Your girls are beautiful!
I'm glad (and not surprised) you enjoyed you time at CCHMC. I used to work there (in research) and I know they are good people and do excellent things for children and their families.
Thank you in advance for sharing more about Gracie's SN. It's helpful for those of us who are considering special needs adoption.
Maybe if you're in town again we can meet up for lunch or a trip to the zoo!
I am so glad you are headed home and this is behind you and I am so glad you had "Little Grandma" and a greta place to stay:)
Miss you friend.
Welcome home! Now bring on the Christmas Joy!
These are the sweetest pictures of Little Grandma!! So glad it all worked out to stay at her "Bed and Breakfast!!" What a blessing to know Gracie is doing so well.... And, that you are both home safely where you belong!!!!! I miss you girls!!!
We'll be heading to Cincy Children's when we get our children home from China. We know there is no better hospital to treat their SB!
Oh that pic could would a competition!
Such sweet photos. Love the stuffed frosty. Can't wait to see the military ball photos.
So glad you have had a good two weeks and you are on your way home. I am only about an hour away from Cincy and we have always been told that Cincy Childrens is one of the best in the country. I guess we are blessed to have it in our back yard. Hope they were able to provide some answers and solutions.
I want to second, third, and fourth all of the thanks to you for being willing to share inforamtion about Gracie's SN. No one wants to be nosy, bur for those in process, it is wonderful to read about a sweet little girl with a SN that has thankfully been sol easy to trest! Thank you for sharing your family with your readers!
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