A mom passed these Rudolph noses out to play a game. Wesleigh immediately stuck it on her nose. So funny!

I baked cookies with the girls yesterday. We cheated and did slice and bake and used a Christmas baking sheet instead of using the cookie cutters. I just didn't have it in me. They had an absolute blast! We started mixing the cookies and after just the flour was in the bowl, they were having such a good time playing around with that flour that I just started snapping pictures. They got it everywhere and thought they were big stuff. My mom showed up at just the right time to get in on the action. After they played for a while, I just dumped what was left of that flour and we started over. I will definitely use that trick again!!

Can you see how hard Wesleigh is laughing. They were having a blast!

This might be my favorite picture of the day. Wesleigh is just cracking up over how messy the flour is. So funny!!

We will go to my parents' tonight and have our traditional seafood gumbo! Yum!!
Hope you're all having a great Christmas Eve.
I am sure this will be a fun Christmas for the girls. Merry Christmas!
Your little baker's are just darling and Wesleigh is really enjoying herself! I can't wait to hear how Gracie likes her Christmas presents. Wishing you and your family a very blessed and Merry Christmas!
Goodness, I am having a hard time getting my comments to stick. I am so glad to see these photos. I was worried that I didn't get the leggings to you in time for the girls to wear them. Merry Christmas friend! God Bless.
Love the big laughs making cookies! Doesn't look like the girls cared if they were slice and bake:) Merry Christmas! Love y'all!
oh my goodness - nothing quite beats a Christmas mess!!
Love it
Adorable!! Merry Christmas to our beautiful family!!
Your girls are just adorable Jennifer! Merry Christmas!
Precious time with your girls and LOVE every single photo!!! You are so good! We did the break and bakes too. LOL Blessings and love! XO
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