I've shared here before that football just isn't really my thing. I love seeing the boys play, but really rather baseball. Well, this morning...this mama woke up!! We were behind by 3 touchdowns. Nothing was really happening for our team, but Cade got the ball and was running it. This kid from the other team comes behind him and puts a choke hold on him! Of course, he was trying to bring him down but this choke hold went on for, at least, 30 seconds. Which is a LONG time when your baby is being
CHOKED!!! I shot this picture toward the end of the "event". You can see the coach already yelling and the ref standing there watching the whole thing. You can also see that Cade is already crying (that's how long it went on!). He was down on the ground for quite a while and very upset after. Well, he wasn't the only one. One of the coaches was thrown out over it and this mama nearly jumped the fence! I would have pinched that kid's head off if I'd have had the chance! I know...violence talk...calm down. Well, the truth is, I haven't stopped shaking yet!! (Of course, the fact that all I've had this morning is sweet tea couldn't be helping!!) See for yourself! (btw...there was no flag!)

I love our coaches. They really rallied behind Cade. They were all very concerned about him.

This first touchdown Cade ran in helped make things a little better ;)

He actually threw a pass for a second touchdown too!!
So, bottom line...I think I might
can be a football mom too! The fact that my throat is hurting from screaming so much might be proof!! Just stay off my boy!!!
Oh my word! I can't believe they let that choke hold go on so long, I would have had an out of body experience if it had been my child. The ref is who should have been thrown out of the game. You go mom... I got your back.
Your "boy" runs for touchdowns and throws touchdowns and survives illegal tackles....he's fine, Mama. I did get my smoochie in last week, so I get to do it again Monday??? Watch out, Cade...Mrs. McGowan is after you!
Oh my goodness! It looked like they were trying to kill him! "come on ref...open your eyes!!!" =)
I'm glad he's okay and congrats on the touch downs!
you can be a football Mom.. belive me in all the years of being a football Mom.. I have had to give the ref's a little bit of my mouth..
Sorry they had to do that..
Good grief I forgot how competitive football is in the south. I thought The New England Patriots were playing the Chicago Bears when I saw these GREAT pics!!!
I don't think I confessed at the beach that I do LOVE football season! Off to the Vikings home opener tomorrow!!!
However, if it was my kid in a choke hold, I would be with you over the fence.. I am afraid that will be me watching Ruby some day. But, she may be the one with the kid in the choke hold!! :)
P.S: Can I borrow your $.71 cents for a dress I want!
I totally understand your pain!! It is obvious he was in distress and the refs should have stopped the game before it go to that point ~ I hope he is doing ok! Jordan plays basketball and I have to admit that a few years ago when the refs ability left quite a bit to be desired as two kids had already gotten hurt and Jordan became the third victim as he was tackled in a basketball game and screaming in pain...oh honey let me tell you, I was down in the middle of that court in my heals and leather coat and let the refs know exactly what I thought about their "referreing skills" during the game. I then marched right over to my son who we had to take the ER with an ankle three times it's normal size. When the refs told me I shouldn't be on the court I looked at them and said "He's my son. I'm a nurse and I have to take him to the ER because of your inability to do your job". I then helped carry him off the court. I haven't had to be on the court since and I pray we don't ever have a game like we did that night...my hubby says I could easily play Sandra Bullocks role in Blind Side and I wouldn't even need to study the script:)
there is no choking in baseball!
just sayin! LOL
get'um Mama!
:) Jill
OMG I definately feel your pain-er his pain.. I have had a few of these mommy moment too and after all is said "I am a football mommy" but like you said- stay off my boy-
Oh my word.... what was up with the ref? Open your eyes buddy!!!
I am surprised you did not jump the fence and personally peel that boy off of Cade. Poor guy.... I am sure he was just as shaken up as you were.
Football is a rough sport.... I'm with you, I'll take baseball or soccer over football anyday of the week:)
Hope you have a nice relaxing Sunday~
I think you did well to stay behind the fence! I know that infuriated you! Don't mess with our boys!
That ref needs to have his eyes checked. As soon as it went more than about 5 seconds he should have been breaking it up. Idiot.
That ref needs to have his eyes checked. As soon as it went more than about 5 seconds he should have been breaking it up. Idiot.
I would have been mad too!!
That is totally inexcusable!! I hope the coach of that boy said something to him! Football scares me...Jackson is playing this year...our first experience. I prefer baseball too! Glad he came back and showed that other team!
First..these are incredible shots! Secondly, I would have been so mad too. I CANNOT believe that ref did nothing. We talk about choke holds here a lot in our house because of Judo (they are illegal now but will be legal for Harry in a few years) and they scare me to death. Cade looks tough though!
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