I'm a little behind on this post but only by a few days. To see how far Miss WJ has come in just 7 months is nothing short of amazing. I was going through all my videos in the camcorder case to clean it out and found our China videos. We have never watched them. One reason is that I don't really want Wesleigh to see them yet. I'm not sure what her reaction would be. I, however, watched them on my camera and stood in awe! My memories are pretty clear of that day, but seeing her on film was striking. To see how she walked when we got her was almost shocking to me. I knew she was unstable, but....WOW!! No wonder she had about 10 busted lips the first couple of months she was home! So, that was then....let's talk about now. Here are some of the things Miss WJ is up to now:
* She can run with the best of them. We chase her around the kitchen island and then double back to scare her. She LOVES it!
*She can climb stairs alternating feet with each step. I still don't trust her on them, but she could probably run up them with no problem.
*She can open doors (OH NO!!). Now, there is nowhere safe! My biggest problem is the pantry. I think I'm going to have to get a lock for the top. She can also open the door from the laundry room to the garage. I'm having to make sure the garage doors are always closed and I lock that door.
*She wispers in your ear. I have no idea what she is saying but she always ends it with "ok?". As long as you answer "ok", you're good. No telling what I've agreed to in the past few weeks!!
*She has caught on that MawMaw is the babysitter. She gets a little leary when my mom walks in now. Mom will have to come over at times when I'm not leaving to help her get over that.
*She is still a packrat. Maybe "swiper" would be a good name for her. She swipes all kinds of things. I'm not finding things in crazy places anymore. She mainly puts them in her "purses" or bags.
* She is a tease. She is getting stingy on her kisses and makes the boys really work for them. When they ask for a kiss she says, "no way".
* She now lays down in her bed and lets me cover her up when she's going to bed. No more crying!!
* She loves other kids and is not shy at all around them.
* She has figured out how to take her diaper off, but hasn't quite got the hang of the potty. We're working on it. Potty training is probably my least favorite job as a parent.
* She talks constantly. I can understand about half of what she says.
* She is a girly girl. She loves new clothes and shoes. If it sparkles...even better! Loves to try on her new things too!
* She loves any babydoll or stuffed animal. They are all "babies".
*She will stomp her foot and say "Uhhh" when she gets mad. Honestly, it makes me want to laugh at her.
*She has started hitting the boys when they're bothering her.
*She can snap her fingers. She uses this when she's "fussing" at someone. She snaps and then points (yes, she got that from me!).
*She finally got her fingers to make "two". She worked very hard to be able to do that. It was pretty funny. She could actually snap before she could do "two".
* She fits right in. Richard says she is me made over, and I love that. She has brought new life into this family and always keeps us on our toes.
These past few months have flown by. They always do, but I feel like I can't catch up. Wesleigh is such a joy. Even when she pitches a fit, she is easily distracted and manageable. Most of the time, she is super sweet. The boys still adore her. Of course, I knew they would always love her, but I never expected them to still love to play with her and love on her. It's really sweet to see. She, of course, adores them right back.
She is an answer to prayer!
We love Wesleigh Jane!!

It sounds like WJ is feeling all that love!
can't tell you what an encouragement it is for me to hear of how things progress for others and that {hopefully} it will for Jenna too....
Sounds like Wesleigh keeps you on your toes for sure! love it!
She is absolutely adorable! Love to read about the progress these little ones make with their families!! Can't wait to get to China to bring home our little one...some day! Thanks for sharing her with us!
She sounds like she has adjusted so well and brings a new life to your home. Blessings!
Wesleigh is tooooo stinking cute..
Love it..
Soo happy for you ...
Wesleigh is so darn cute!!! I love the tutu and the blinged out tank:0) Isn't amazing how much they change? I was thinking the same about our Miss Addy, and its only been 2months!
Sigh, potty training...I am right there with you!
That little TeaCup just makes me smile!!!! Especially in that adorable outift!!! We love you Wesleigh Jane over here in MN too!!!!
Happy 7 Months!
Diana & the Girls
She is just precious! Happy 7 months!
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