Yep! Miss Wesleigh Jane has decided she is going to use the potty! Just in the last couple of days, she is pretty much potty training herself. Because of her sn, this is even more exciting than it normally would be! I would say we're about 70% there.
She has also become so expressive with her facial expressions. I laugh at her all day long. She cracks me up! She is the queen of cutting those eyes!!

Oh my...that is just the cutest little face ever! Congrats on the potty training success!!
She is so darn cute!!!
And so big for her potty training! YAY!!!!
I just love those sweet eyes she gives! What a big girl she is!
oh Jenn...these are the cutest pictures...she is getting so big...and now potty trained!!! yeah!!
Way to go Wesleigh..
Love the photos..
Toooo CUTe..
Have a great week..
Too, too cute. I am in love with the last picture. You must have about died when you saw her looking at you that way! ADORABLE!
Way to go, big girl!! That IS great news -for Miss Wesleigh Jane - and she's so young too!!!
I love her expressions!! Has she SEEN that look before somewhere?!
That Tea Cup is so stinkin cute!!!!! Way to go TeaCup!!
Sienna (who should be sleeping) is cheering you on from MN!
We love you girl!
Miss Di and Sienna
That first picture is PRECIOUS by the way!!!
Awesome!!! Bye Bye Huggies, good luck finding tiny Hiney Panties! Mary
Oh this is good!!! You gotta enter one of these into the "smirk" contest @ IHEARTFACES! I don't know how to "link", but you can google it! You have until 9pm tonite to enter it!!
Oh these may be my favorites pictures so far. So cute!! Congrats on the potty training.
Oh, just so bloody cute! I love the last picture the best, I think.
And what is sn? I've read a lot of your blog posts, but I think I missed that abbreviation before.
There's just something so touching about her. Watching this has been like watching her come alive. It's just... wow. Almost makes me wish I was of the mind to have kids... almost.
Oh, just so bloody cute! I love the last picture the best, I think.
And what is sn? I've read a lot of your blog posts, but I think I missed that abbreviation before.
There's just something so touching about her. Watching this has been like watching her come alive. It's just... wow. Almost makes me wish I was of the mind to have kids... almost.
Yay, for the potty training!!!!
Love her faces too cute!! ha
Jenn.....how can you not just want to EAT HER UP every time you lay eyes on her....I want to eat her up and I hardly know her...sniff, sniff. She is a snapshot of LOVE!! lauren mcg
I can't believe how much Wesleigh has changed.
She is so adorable.
Tell all the boys hi from us.
(who's planning the reunion?) : )
she is adorable in the outfit and shoes!
She is just as cute as a button in these photos Jen!!! Love them. ANd I am so proud of her for using the potty. That rocks! Love her Leli's too!
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