Boy has she come a long way in a few short months! It was only 8 months ago that we rocked her world bringing home a sister. She was not happy with me at all for a little while, but we got through that and now she constantly tells Gracie "you my bess frwend". Melt a mama's heart, why don't you! When the girls started school in Sept, Wesleigh was very shy and quiet. Her speech wasn't the greatest and she seemed very much a "baby" still. Can I just say, this chick is a baby no more! In the past couple of months, her speech has exploded. Her articulation has improved 100%. She still has cute ways of saying some sounds (which I love), but she is easily understood. The amount she is talking has exploded also. She tells us all kinds of things, and she talks to everyone. Anyone who walks past her, gets a wave and a big, "Hello!". CUTE!
She is my love and such a blessing to us :)

I love how you say she waves and says hello to everyone. My daughter does too, she blows kisses and speaks to everyone...melting hearts along the way. My oldest boy learned in his Psychology class that Chinese kids are never shy...I believe it. Sounds like your girl works the crowd too. Don't ya love to see them blossom?
Love that girl!!!!
Awww...what a beautiful post about sweet W!!! That is great news about her speech and about how she and Gracie are best friends.
I can totally relate to the busy schedule. I am so overbooked, I have 2-3 things everyday this month it seems for the kids and doctor appts for me too. Will and H are both "graduating" so there is so much end of the year stuff for them. I am exhausted already. And then I have no desire to post about it all because I am so darned tired.
She is just so so beautiful!!!!!!!! They grow up way to fast. Happy end of The School Year!!!!! LOL
She just exudes the sweetest spirit!! Her pictures are a definite day brightner!!
Such a precious baby!!! Thankful she is doing so well~ I totally get the speaking thing... I LOVE SJ's way with words too~ Preciousness!!! Blessings and love! XO
TeaCup.... You ROCK!!!!! I love watching you blossom! These pics your Mom took are Keepers. I love them!
And, you too!
Miss Di
Amazing what LOVE can do!
She's so stinkin CUTE!!! Great pics of her!!!
Kati had speech issues as well and has had speech at her school the last 2 years. Amazing what a difference little times makes!!
So glad that her speech has improved, just like you said it would. I love reading that Gracie is her BFF... so sweet!
What a love bug! It's so amazing how far she's come and how much she's grown recently. she looks like such a big girl these days. I LOVE her hair!..precious!!
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