Everyday, I put Gracie down for a nap in her room and I hear her playing for a while before she falls asleep. I never know what the room will look like when she wakes up and how many toys she will have in that bed of hers :) I don't mind because it's a little extra quiet time for me! I also never know what she will be wearing when she wakes up. She could have on pajamas, a princess dress, a swimsuit or nothing at all :) I went to check on her the other day and this is what I found:
(notice the ladybug slippers that complete the ensemble) I'm just super impressed that her Rapunzel doll actually has clothes on!!!!
BTW...I snapped the picture and then left her alone :) Gotta love naptime!!!
I love "Gracie World!!!!!"
It's almost Friday!
she is so funny!!! Janie was a crazy girl the other night, she kept getting up and turning all her lights on. I think Hank put her back to bed a million times. When I went to check on her before I went to bed she was asleep, amen, but had sprinkled an entire bottle, thank goodness small, all over her room. I'm sure she had a good ole time:)
Well at least you were able to "stand" and snap a picture. Bre decided last night she would "sample" her sisters "VICTORIA SECRET" perfumes!! OMG!! I could smell the OVER POWERING SCENT before I even attempted to head up the stairs. I think she must have "sampled" everything on her! Surprise she wasnt a HUGE RASH when she woke up this a.m. I had to laugh "inwardly" the way she ran and jumped in her bed and "pretended" to be asleep while still in her 22yr old sisters HEELS !!
PRECIOUS photo of your sleeping beauty!!! My girls have two hours of quiet time in their room each afternoon and they play big too! It has worked so great!!! XOXO
Such a cute picture! Gracie Joy is a beautiful child.
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