Meanwhile, we've said "goodbye" to a few things this past week. The girls said goodbye to their first preschool teachers. These ladies were amazing. Gracie came to them not speaking any English. They came up with creative ways to involve Gracie and foster her English. I will never be able to express how much of a blessing these women have been to me this year. They loved each of my girls for who they are and embraced their individual personalities. What an amazing experience this year of preschool has been for my girls!
(outfits are from Zulily!)

Cade said "goodbye" to elementary school! I have a 1 year break from our elementary school. Then I get to start it ALL over again!!! I have had at least one child in this school for the past 10 years! Unbelievable...even more unbelievable that I still have 5 more to go!!! Cade had amazing teachers, as well. These women know me (we've been there 10 years, after all!). They have picked up my slack on more than one occasion and I so appreciate it! They have loved my boy, and you can't ask for more than that. And you can tell...he loved them right back :)

Bryce said goodbye to riding with someone else to school :) Evan is our neighbor. He has brought Bryce to school everyday this year...what a blessing! I just love Evan. They both thought I was nuts going out in my pj's to take this picture, but that's the way we roll over here :)

Bryce turns 16 on August 7. School starts on August 9. It might be the only time he's ever wished a summer away :)
Braden is saying goodbye to the school he's attended for the past two years. We have decided to bring him back to the public schools here. He and Cade will go to the same jr. high for one year and then be together for 2 years of high school. He's still there for a few days, so I don't have any pictures of him yet :)
Wishing your bunch a HAPPY and EXCITING Summer!! I'm "right there with you Mama"! Our 22yr old graduated from college on Saturday and Bre will graduate from Pre-k this week!!! MINDBOGGLING!!! Here...I go again!!! Looks like I will be documenting those times w/you and several other blog friends!!
Your family is amazingly beautiful. I love checking in and seeing how everyone is growing.
Celebrating the milestones with you!!!!!!!!! Just think..
I will be two years behind you for EVERYTHING!!!!
(Good grief, I will be 60+ at Emme's graduation!!!!)
Happy last days, and hello summer!!!!!
What a blessed year you all have had and so many changes coming. I hope you ALL have the best restful fun summer ever!!! XOXO
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