Here are some random pics of today. I took the girls for their first mani/pedi today. I'm thinking it will be their last for a LONG time! Wesleigh is totally still and calm, but Gracie is lucky she left there with any color at all :) The ONLY reason I brought them was because Gracie had stepped on my big toe yesterday and totally messed up my pretty purple toes.
I love the look on both the girls' faces here. They were in awe. They had no idea that there was a place full of a million different polish colors :) Wesleigh has a big "wish list" now.

Kelly is super sweet, but I have a feeling she was probably cussing Gracie in Vietnamese ;) She had to re-do those fingers and toes multiple times. It is just impossible for Gracie to be still...even when there's a good reason.

Bryce was home early today after an exam and pulled "his" truck out to clean it out. Truth is...he just likes to sit in it :) This is Richard's old truck. It has over 200,000 miles on it and is the perfect first car for Bryce. He is so excited. He doesn't turn 16 until Aug.'s going to be a long summer for Bryce :)

And some random cuteness:

She was dancing to the music

Cute "teeny tiny" feet (Wesleigh's)

I'm not sure why I love this shot. Maybe because it shows a side of her that never gets captured. She has a bite of a peanut butter sandwich in her mouth, which she hates! She does not eat bread...ever. Which has been fine, but I would be really happy if she'd eat a quick sandwich every once in a while :) I also don't take many pics with her hair down. She pulled her pony out and I just left it alone.

These are my favorites. They only have one tricycle (I know....I should buy another), but why...when they look so stinkin' cute riding it like this?? They take turns driving each other around. Gracie is much better at it, but she's patient with Wesleigh and helps her out.

The girls have been in swim lessons the past 2 weeks, and have loved every minute of them. We get to go in and watch them tonight, so I'm anxious to try to get some cute pics of them. Our pool opens tomorrow and
You are doing great to be so busy. Cute photos at the nail salon!!! Adorable ones on the trike. :) And I am smiling to myself about sitting by the pool doing nothing. :) I tried to do that this am with my two littles and all I heard was Mom, Mom, Mom~ look at me. Wouldn't trade it for anything though. Blessings and love! XO
Sweet busy jolie says "lofe" those photos...
Such sweet pictures. I just love watching the kiddos enjoy the beautiful weather!
Cute and Fun times...My oh my they are getting so big!
Can't believe you will have a driver, at least it's a boy! Allie was so bad I was in fear of her life every time she left, jokes on me,she is the only one without a fender bender:)
I so love Gracie's hair down!!
So very sweet that the girls help each other on the trike, looking forward to that some day, Madeline is the green eyed monster right now!
Sit by the pool and do nothing??? Do you have an au pair? ;) Like you said, a girl can dream! I'm still waiting for the sense of calm, and we've been home for almost 2 years now! What am I doing wrong here... Can't wait to see your summer pics!
Sit by the pool and do nothing... do you have an au pair? ;) I am still waiting for the sense of calm and we've been home for almost 2 years! What am I doing wrong here? Can't wait to see your cute summer pix!
Ok!! That seals it!! Your Gracie and My Bre are "sisters"!!LOL!!! Bre DOES NOT eat peanut butter NOR does she EATS BREAD!! She is also my BUSY LIZZY!! When she isnt moving...she's talking..NON-STOP!!Her and Gracie remind me so much of each other it's just crazy!! I will say underneath all that BUSY-NESS, she has the most compassion for babies and animals. She loves EVERYONE to be HAPPY all the time and always wants a HUG and/or a kiss!!
Oh boy did I laugh about the "nail shop" visit! Heck, I know they be buzzing after I leave w/Bre. It's not the fact she moves too much, it's the fact that when she DOES go, she is very adamant about her polish color and its must have LOTS of SPARKLE! *I don't bring her very often, but my 22yr old brings her at least once a month* if she STAYS on GREEN at school! Which I have to say has been ALL THE MONTH OF APRIL/MAY!! That's an accomplishment for Lady Bre!! :)
LOVE the photos.. sounds like you are busy as usual...
Have a great weekend..
First I have to say "Ha Ha" to the sitting by the pool and doing nothing comment? You let me know how that went!!!! That's my dream this summer too!!!!! I love these random pics!!! Gracie looks so old with her hair down driving the trike with her sweet older sister behind her!!!! You know I can visualize the nail salon perfectly!!!!! I hope those purple toes are still polished!
Lova ya,
Cracks me up about Gracie and the nail salon. Kate sits like a statue. I however, seem to always mess up my nails when I get hem done!!!!! These photos are the one of Gracie staring off but my fave is them BOTH on the trike!!!
I am kind of giggling about that summer by the pool comment too. I had ONE of those. It was the summer before Kate came home. Harry was a good swimmer finally and so was Will. I "might" be there this summer as Kate is a very strong swimmer now but our pool is so darned crowded...I am lucky if I can get a seat to watch her....and I do still kinda need to watch. Will is doing lifeguard training this summer!
I'm behind on reading your blog as it has been a busy few days. I just love these pics. I especially love the pic of Gracie with the sandwich in her mouth. It is absolutely beautiful. I love her hair down too! Can't wait for all the summer pics to come.
These two are beyond adorable!! I love the shots of them on the tricycle and the one of Gracie looking out the window with her hair down..... SO GORGEOUS and in the moment.
We are counting the days too! End of the school year madness has me crazy right now. Hopefully you will be poolside very soon:)
We are loving summer here! Last week we were visiting friends out of state, this week adjusting and next week I have a plan ready to roll:)
I love the nail salon pictures, Abigayl sits still about as well as Gracie:)
Enjoy the pool, Ours opens June 1st but it won't be warm enough to enjoy for a couple of weeks, Mid-June, we'll be ready to swim!
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