The girls came home from school with flowers of a different kind. Sorry, Richard...they trump yours :) I have never seen anything like these before and think they are amazing. They are made from the girls handprints.

The boys were scattered, but I did get a picture with the girls today. This is what I wanted them to wear to our afternoon activity, but you will see that I decided to let them have a total princess day :)

A couple of weeks ago I bought 4 tickets to Disney's Princess on Ice show. I had no idea I had bought them on Mother's Day. It could not have been better though because my mom went with us.

These two were so excited they could hardly stand it! Just to be able to wear those dresses was enough to put them over the moon. Wesleigh thought we were going to Disney World and kept saying, "I so essited to go to Disney World!" lol...Truth is, she loved it so much there was no disappointment. In fact, I never told her it wasn't Disney World :)

I love this picture even though Gracie is a little out of focus.

When Wesleigh wasn't jumping up and down saying "wow!" or "this is awesome", this is what she looked like. Seriously...so cute! Gracie was just as excited, but was sitting too close for me to get a shot. Gracie was interested in all the backstage things. She noticed the American flag hanging and details like Cinderella's necklace and the lights on the ice. It is so fun to see their differences.

Just a couple of shots from the show. It was so fun and very entertaining. I hope there's another one soon! So worth the small fortune it cost!

At the very end, all the princesses came out, and we were able to see our beloved Mulan. It was the perfect ending to a fun afternoon.

I don't have a picture but Gracie was asleep by the time we were out of the parking garage. After spending most Mother's Days at the ballpark, it was fun to enjoy a girly day with my girls and my mom :)
BTW...church was totally for me today! The title "Calm Down and Carry On". I'm going to try to live by those words each day :)
Happy Mother's Day sweet friend!!! XO
Happy Mother's Day!
They look ADORABLE in both outfits!!!
By the way you look GREAT!!! Love your outfit!!
What a Nice Mother's Day! Looks like you girls had a lot of fun! Love the flowers from the girls. So cute!
Don't worry, Disney on Ice comes every May and every December they have some kind of Disney Stage Show Production. This was a warm up for us, we leave for Disney World in two weeks! My girl is all about the princess, especially Mulan. Happy Mother's Day!
Courtney www.blaineandchloe.blogspot.com
Oh my goodness, I have to get my act together and take my girls!! I got your emails and yes I am still laughing too!!! He is way too kind!! I bought new dumbbells and they are bright blue:) and not outside haha!
Our families would be kind of scary together huh:)
Happy Mother's Day!! You and your girls look beautiful as always. My 5 year old would love a day out like that...we will have to try that before she gets too old for that kind of thing.
What a fun mother's day!! Love all of your planned outfits AND the princess outfits:)) Yours is too cute, too...loving orange and blue these days.
The girls look beyond thrilled! Can't wait for Molly to be that excited over all things princess!
Oh, I love that look of wonder on Wesleigh's face!
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