Thank you all for your sweet comments about Wesleigh's haircut. It was so much fun to read them all. I have to say, everytime I look at her, I can't help but smile. I just LOVE it!! We went outside for a few minutes and had a little photo shoot.

I have had a number of questions about her bows recently. Here in the south, you can find big bows at every children's boutique in town. If fact, you'd be harder pressed to find small bows. I haven't seen anyone on etsy with the bigger bows, but I'll look again. I also have a contact who I can get bows from. I might look into ordering some to pass on to all of you, if you're interrested. It's so hard for me to imagine that you can't get these other places. In fact, the red and green one she wore the other day was on the hanger with the outfit she had on. I bought them together! The boutiques have them made them to match individual outfits.
i live in washington state, and finding bows is oh so very difficult! :( :(
"stinkin cute" is absolutely right!
That outfit is STINKIN-CUTE!!! Are those the boots we bought last year? Love the tights! And, that sporty doo was made for her!!!!
I will send you a post from "Pixie-land" tomorrow!
Love these - she is a doll! Would love to see a photo of Wesleigh's bow collection! Since they're so big, do they stay on well (what type of clip are they?) and do they cost 3x the price of a regular bow?
Jennifer, I think I have cornered the market here in Beaumont! I have found several little shops that have BIG bows, SMALL bows, bows with FRILLS etc for 1.39 each!!! I also have a lady that sells bows @ Bree's school who has awesome bows for 5.00 to 7.00 bucks and she custom makes them as well. I usually call her when i have an outfit I just need that "special bow' for! Usually those little 1.39 shops has the RIGHT BOW for me !! I am a BOW FANATIC and have a HUGE box of them!*the cutesy little hanging bow ribbon just wont cut it to hang bows on* I need more of a THICK ROPE!! LOL!!! I really like the "clip and lock" bows in Bree's hair better. The "alligator clips" just slides out of her hair and she usually loses them, which sends me into a nervous twitch! LOL!! Her "hair accessories" is somewhat LARGE! I have separated barrettes by color in large ziplock bags! I have to or my mornings would be CRAZY trying to sift thru all the "hair stuff"!
PS....LOVE WESLEIGHS OUTFIT!! She is so adorable!!! I want even get started on the little girl BOOTS we own here!! BOWS and BOOTS are my weakness!! Seriously!!
How do you get anything done?? I would just kiss her all day long!!!! Just pure cuteness!!!!
She is such a petite little angel! Love her cut! Bailey had the same one last year and I loved it too. THis year for some reason, she is looking better with long, so we are finally going for it!
Keep the bows coming!!
She is just too cute! I order our bows from pictureperfectbows.com - they come in ALL sizes, and since our little princess is a bit hair impaired :-) the biggest I like to do just now is the toddler size - but they have some stunners in their site!
Ok Jennifer, I'm such a blog stalker, I clicked on today and Sam goes...Oh there's Wesleigh!!! GEESH! So your coming back to Nashville WHEN????
Dear Jennifer, please go back to China and adopt another brother for Wesleigh...then I can get some good dressing advice for young boys. This cuteness is killin me. Thanks ever so much, your friend, Sonia. PS You should TOTALLY open a bow shop!
Yup, still cute :)
As soon as you get the bow hook up, you can let us midwesterners in on the goods :) We might just have to switch to headbands here! I figure I only got another 3 years with bows around here!
She is a cute Chinese girl.
You can order awsome big bow from rainbowsbypaulette.com
Wait I was wrong its www.rainbows-by-paulette.com
Hey Jen, love, love, LOVE WJ's new cut, she's adorable!!
Hope you all are enjoying the holiday season!
I live up north. No bows here! I'd love to get some goes for my sister and my baby cousin though!
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