The boys were so sweet. They seemed to take turns playing with all of Wesleigh's loot. They had a great time with her.

My mom gave Bryce this shadow box with my grandfather's NAVY metal, his picture and an article about him returning home. A very special gift.

Bryce got all kinds of interresting gifts (he picked them out). This mask is one of them.

My parents gave Wesleigh this little baby highchair and this cradle that was mine when I was little. She loves them!!

You might not believe it, but that is my first born lying on the floor looking like a bush! He wanted this gilly suit and is thrilled about it! Sometimes I just don't know about these boys!! Just moments later, Auden looked over and saw him. She freaked out! Poor baby!

Braden got in on the "snuggie" Christmas.

Cade was actually helping Wesleigh put the baby's headband on. When he saw that I was going to snap a picture, he tried to get away. Now it just looks like he's strangling the baby! lol...

Cade is always good for a laugh, and he adores Auden. She kept taking his hat, so he traded with her ;)

My parents and the Louisiana grandkids.

Just a small portion of the aftermath!

Our Christmas was really great. It was so much fun having Wesleigh here this year. She was so excited about every single gift and made everything so much fun. She truly hasn't stopped playing with her toys.
Yay for a successful Christmas! Merry Christmas! Mya is sitting here with me looking at your blog and when she saw Bryce standing up in his gilly suit she asked me, "Is that a Christmas tree?" - "It's not a very good Christmas tree". :-) So, there you have it - he is VERY convincing!!
Mya was so fun & so appreciative this Christmas - shs, too, is such a joy to be around, Everytime she opened a gift she would exclaim, "this is just what I wanted!" - "How did you know?!" Cute!
Love the aftermath - it will just keep getting better, I am sure!
Goodness Jennifer that is some major cuteness going on over at your house! Well.....except for the human bush...that's not at all cute. LOL
I can't always leave comments for some reason on your blog. I love all of your photos. Cade cracks me up. I'm jealous of your weather. It's been so cold up here for weeks. I miss you all. Merry Christmas!
Your boys are so loving and sweet to Wesleigh, and that is precious. It must be really fun to have Wesleigh around for the first time for Christmas, she is such a joy to watch.
Merry Christmas from our home to yours, and may you keep the Christmas spirit all year long.
Looks like a ton of fun. Your boys look so fun and your parents with all the gkids is just priceless! Thanks for sharing!
Looks like a wonderful day! Love the kitchen!
Love seeing your what sweet big brothers your sons are! Precious family memories and photos! Thanks for posting so much today, Wendy
A question... is the suit something for hunting or halloween or just to have??? So interesting to see what boys like~ don't have that here. :) Seems like you had a GREAT Christmas with your sweet family! Love Wesleigh's kitchen. And LOVE the last photo. That's pretty much what our floor looks like all the time. :)
Blessings and Joy!
I dont blame poor Auden for "freaking out"! That is one scary looking getup!! Poor baby!! I mean who would expect a furry guacomole-looking thing to be lurking behind the sofa!! Then it has ears!!! :)
Where did the kitchen come from?? Looking for something like that for Darci.
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