Cade had quite a Christmas list. He wanted a "real men wear pink" shirt, neon green shoelaces and a fedora!! Santa delivered and Cade was quite the fashion statement!! He also got a new baseball bat.

Bryce wanted a new air soft gun and stressed for weeks about whether Santa would deliver! He was very happy that Santa didn't leave him hangin'! He also got a tent and some other "supplies" for Sea Cadets.

Braden got a new rifle that he had hoped for and a baseball bat.

After the boys enjoyed seeing what Santa brought them, Wesleigh decided to join the fun.

How cute is this? The first thing she went for was that Cinderella doll.

Before long, though, she was cooking breakfast for everyone!

Richard is trying out Cade's snuggie. (I got one too!) In fact, I'm "wearing" it as I type!

The last part of the morning was opening presents. Highlights were Bryce's nook, Braden and Cade's Bibles and Wesleigh's princesses (of course).

Cade's fashion statement of the day: black fedora, pink tshirt and neon green shoelaces. Lord, help me!

What an AMAZING day..
Love the photos..
Looks like they all had a great Christmas Morning..
Have a great week..
Love the pics...your boys are such characters!! their personalities really shine through! What a great Christmas you all had!
Cade cracks me in half!! I keep looking at my oldest son and wondering when he got his "own" personality? (or as I MAY say behind his back - when did he become such a dork!?) HA!! I just love it!!
I'm so happy for you and your family, for having such a joyful Christmas morning, and everything turned out just the way you hoped for. So much fun seeing the kids' excitement over their presents.
God bless~
What a treat - multiple postings in one day! Wesleigh looks so tall and grown up in these photos!
What a fun Christmas for your entire family! Gotta love the difference between the boys' gifts and Ms W's :-)
I have a 5 year old son and a 15 month old princess - just looking at the loot under the tree made me smile, one side was all pink and girly toys, the other side was all boy, video games, s.tar wars and remote control cars!
It was a wonderful day. It was actually just a much fun to watch the older ones as the younger! Bryce was the biggest kid of all with the gilly suit. I love seeing Wesleigh enjoy your doll cradle. I am so thankful that we had it in our attic rather than in yours at the time of the fire. I loved how Auden put Wesleigh's Cinderella doll in her grocery buggy and took off with it. A blessed day. I am so thankfull
What a fun Christmas in your house!!! I love having a girl around our house - makes things so much fun!
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