What a difference a year makes!!

I can't believe it's only been a year. I looked back at my Gotcha Day post last night and sat with my jaw hanging open. She has grown so much. Gracie was different than Wesleigh in that she was not developmentally behind. She also transitioned super fast. That first day in Walmart...she saw Sam (our guide) run into something, and started laughing. She never looked back after that. What a strong, resilient spirit this one has!!! God has definitely ordered her steps and destined her for something great. I'm just trying to hang onto her coat tails!! :)

Gracie has brought this house to a whole other level I didn't know existed. She keeps all of us on our toes, and has brought some amazing characteristics out in Wesleigh. She has forced Wesleigh to be more assertive and outgoing, and Wesleigh teaches Gracie that there are times to calm down and how to be a good listener. I think they were exactly what each other needed! They are sisters through and through! It has been fun to watch their relationship blossom.

I took Gracie out last night for a last minute photo shoot. She is such a good model sometimes and was loving it yesterday! I didn't have the time to put her hair up, so we decided to leave it down. I love it!! (You know I can't post just one!)

Happy Gracie Day to my sweet girl!! We are so thrilled you are with us!!!
That first picture is simply stunning. She is such a beautiful girl.
I don't comment much but I love your blog, your Gracie reminds me so much of my Sophia. I figure that even though she wears me out every single day...that at least I fall in bed with a smile on my face :)
Happy 1 year!! What an ADORABLE, Pretty Firecracker you have, we have a firecracker also. . . Hangin on tight.
Congratulations on one year! I just love following along with your family...and Gracie certainly does bring a little something extra to the table...your girls DO seem to balance each other out SO well!
I just adore your front porch (is that where you took these photos??)It reminds me of some grand homes in the French Quarter. Stunning!
Beautiful photos!
Happy One Year miss Gracie!! I have been following y'all from the start of her adoption! :) I can't believe she's only been at home for one year!! It seems like forever! She is a beautiful little girl. And it's nice seeing how well she's fit into your family so fast! :) I hope this next year brings some new fun things for y'all!
She is just so beautiful Jennifer. She had me cracking up when we met her and yall had only been home a couple of months. You have such a sweet family. Happy Gotcha Day Gracie!!!!!!!
She is truly such a beauty!!! I love her sweet smile and joy for life look in her eyes, just precious!!! So thankful Gracie was such a huge part of leading us to Janie!!!
I can't believe it's only been a year!! I feel like I've been reading about Miss Gracie Joy for years. I guess it's all that spunk. LOL I have loved following her first year at home and looking forward to many more years of her explosive personality. And LOVE her hair down. She's got gorgeous hair!!
I can't believe it's only been a year!! I feel like I've been reading about Miss Gracie Joy for years. I guess it's all that spunk. LOL I have loved following her first year at home and looking forward to many more years of her explosive personality. And LOVE her hair down. She's got gorgeous hair!!
It has not seriously been a year, has it? Wow, it doesn't seem like that long at all! She has definitely changed, but it's still not the amazing change (at least from this side of the computer) and it seemed like with Wesleigh... I think Gracie already had that sparkle in her eye from a better starting environment and that made the difference. Y'all brought that sparkle out in Wesleigh... and just enhanced it in Gracie. Congrats to y'all!
Happy Gotcha Day to Gracie!! I've followed since you were in China for Wesleigh. Beautiful, sweet girls!!
Happy 1st year anniversary!
I enjoy reading your blog about your family. The girls are beautiful!
Happy Happy Gracie Day!!! I'm never amazed at the transfomation these kiddos go through, but OMW...she has totally changed! Her happiness just radiates! She's so beautiful...inside and out!! Love y'all!
Happy 1st year!!! That lil Gracie is a firecracker and she has stolen my heart!!! She adds such a fun/lighthearted dimension to your already fun family!!!
Enjoy every moment with her!! LOVE the photos...so pretty!!!
I love her hair down. She is a beautiful little girl. Happy Gracie Day!
Michelle in KY
Happy Gracie day! She is just a stunning little girl. What a blessing she is :)
I absolutely LOVE this post!!!
Love you, too. : )
You have captured Gracie's spirit in these new pictures! I can't wait to see how God uses His little, life of the party princess!!!! She is destined to do it boldly with beauty and spice... I love this daughter of yours and I am so very thankful that I was involved from the first day you saw her picture!!! God chose her to refine you and to remind you that the biggest blessings come when we wait in faith! I can't think of a better Mama for this little firecracker and her sweet little sister!
Happy Gracie Joy Day!
Happy 1 year! Gracie is beautiful!
You always write so beautifully. With all her energy, "hanging on to her coattails" is quite the visual! Your last sentence made me teary. How blessed Gracie is to be with a family who loves her for just who she is.
Love. Love. Love. these pictures of Gracie!!! She is absolutely beautiful Happy Gracie Day, indeed!
Happy Gracie day!!!
So glad we got to share it with you!
You are sooo BLESSED my friend..
these photos are BEAUTIFUL ... you can see the girls personalities in the photos..
I hope to meet the whole family one day..
Love ya
Those girls are sooo adorable! I especially love the pic of the two of them sitting together. LOVE those outfits, too! :)
Sweet Gracie Joy, having you as my granddaughter is a delight! You add joy and energy (for sure!) to every occasion. I love seeing the "sissers" together a how much your "brudders" love you!! I know that the Lord Himself created you to be a part of our family, and I am so very grateful for that! What a year! I love you. Love, MawMaw
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