They actually went last week, but due to Bryce's birthday, license, party, etc....I'm a little late posting.
Seriously?? How cute are they in these leotards??

Yes...Gracie was the life of the party. Honestly, I cringed through most of it because she was all over the place! I'm sure it will get better... right????

As brave and fearless as Gracie seems to be, she is very timid to take risks sometimes. It makes me laugh, and I haven't quite figured her completely out yet. Watch this sequence:

She is so strong and has a death grip with her foot. It took quite a while to get her to let go and flip.

Then she grabs onto the teacher's leg and would not let go!

Wesleigh, on the other hand, is not as strong physically, but it willing to take more risks. Now that I'm typing, I think it's a trust issue. When Gracie has to rely on someone else to catch her or support her, she's more nervous. When it's a situation where she's dependent on herself (such as jumping from my coffee table to the sofa), she flies without any problem. How about that...epiphany!! :)

Again, Wesleigh loved this and fell into the pit without any problem. Gracie wanted to love it, but didn't want to let go :) She finally did though!

I know I posted too many pics, but it's so hard for me to leave any out. I want to remember it all!!! I know their interests will separate at some point, but for right now, they both love EVERYTHING! Some of you asked if they are doing dance again...YES!! There is no way I would miss that!
Wesleigh and Gracie are so adorable in their leotards! It's great that they can enjoy these activities together. What a nice facility. And BTW, there are never "too many pics" of these sweet girls! ~Lindy
Bite your tongue! (or fingers?) There's no such thing as too many photos!
I agree with Lindy, you can never post too many pics. I could sit and look at pics of these cuties all day long and not tire of it. So cute!! Enjoy Gracie's timidness at the gym now, I have a feeling before long when she feels more secure, she'll be swinging from the rafters. LOL
They are adorable! Love those pictures of them jumping, hair flying straight above their heads. Too cute!! And gymnastics is a lot of fun. I hope they enjoy doing it! I've been doing it for almost 11 years! :)
Oh my gosh I was laughing out loud of the pic of her holding onto the girls leg. Enjoyed all your epics....precious as always :)
Love all the photos. Never too much! They are such cuties. My daughter is starting gymnastics in a couple of weeks and she is so excited.
They will LOVE it!!! Gymnastics will we Great for both of them! Maybe use up some of Gracie's
Being in dance will help them with their gymnastics, especially the ballet!!
Kati has been in gymnastics since she was 19 months old. She LOVES it! We now practice 2 times a week 1 1/2 hours each time. And will compete this next season...:-)
LOVE it when you add all the picture!!
Blessings, Lori
That is so great I love it! Naomi will start dance next week. She is scared of the tap shoes. I am going to show her Wesleigh and Gracie's recital post tonight. She loves seeing them and usually is more eager to try what she sees them doing. THANK YOU!
Cathy and Naomi
Adorable!!!! I love to see their unique personalities unfold. Kate is doing gymnastics too. She has been cartwheeling, handstanding and flipping all summer. She was at a gymnastics camp all week and she LOVES it.
Adorable and I was having the same epiphany you were having!!! Precious girls!!! XO
We are in "year #2" in gymnastics and I must say "THIS IS BRE'S THING!! We did the "ballet" and it was just too "toe tapping slow" for her! She is too HIGH ENERGY for that! So I thought about "jazz" and saw a commercial for gymnastics. She shouted "I wanna be a FLIPPER"!! LOL!! So "flipper she is indeed". I can readily say "I'm a nail biter and face covering Momma" when she is on the bars! She has NO FEAR WHATSOEVER!!! Handstands, cartwheels are an everyday occurrence in our household. Our poor schnauzer heads for the hills when she starts up! I'm afraid to find our TV sitting on the floor one day. We have said "NO CARTWHEELS IN THE HOUSE" so much we can say it in our sleep!! The park is ANOTHER venue for our "future gymnast". I can't tell you HOW MANY TIMES I have retrieved her from the monkey bars hanging only by the "bend of her knees"! I can tell you...Bre has made me earn EVERY ONE OF MY GRAY HAIRS!!! Your Gracie (as I have said MANY times) is so much like Bre is it uncanny!!! LOL!!! The only thing is she does not "hold on to the instructors"...the instructors actually are holding on to her!! Wait....has your girls done the ROPE CLIMB yet??! Bre first try (and I'm NOT KIDDING) scurried right up tht rope and hit the ceiling tile loose!! LOL!!!! WHO DOES THAT??!!! I was apologizing like crazy!! The instructor just looked in amazement...they moved her up to a higher level the next week!! LOL!! Hey maybe I got a future GABBY DOUGLAS!!! LOL!!!!!
YOUR GIRLS ARE TRULY BEAUTIFUL!! Don't think for a moment there are "too many pictures". I enjoy them tremendously!!!
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