This request, however, was all the motivation I needed to have another photo shoot with her. She looks adorable! Can you feel the energy coming through the pics...or is that me remembering how I chased her around??? This girl is something else. She is so sweet, but she's a handful. She never walks...anywhere. You say, "let's go take a bath" and she runs to the tub. "Time to brush your teeth"...runs to the bathroom. You get the idea. I have so much more to write about her this chick, but this will have to do for today :)
Enjoy :)

She's beautiful!
I have one like that too, never stops moving! I put her in figure skating to burn that energy! maybe Gracie needs a sport to calm down a little.
(4 wheels skating, we don't have snow in Paraguay)
ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL and a ham!!!! Love these pics!!
This is a great look for her!!! So adorable.
Okay this are BY FAR the best pics of Gracie Joy!! I love her personality!! The one with her tongue sticking out is SPECTACULAR!!!
She is so much like my Bre it is amazing!! This kids NEVER walks, ALWAYS talks, is my social butterfly, and willing to give anything a try!!! We cannot leave school, afterschool care or gymnastics w/out her hugging EVERYONE, talking to ALL her friends etc!! We are always the last to leave!! In the morning during school drop-offs, she gets out the car reminding me of everything she wants to do after school THEN chit-chats w/the teachers at drop off!! I did notice that gymnastics is her thing!! I had her in dance last year and although she loved it, it was just too slow pace for my fast pace girl! She needed something more challenging. Gymnastics is it! I must say, she is pretty darn good at it...suffice the PERFECT CARTWHEEL she did during reading time *according to her teacher* GASP!!!
She is super smart and LOVES school. (Getting up in them morning for it...well...that's a whole other comment)
Just the past weekend she went rollerskating to bike riding to scooting on the scooter to chasing a neighbors puppy!! No, this was not in the course of a day...this was more like in a course of an HOUR!!! I was so worn out, I said..."Bre, momma is worn out, lets go in". She promptly replied "Momma, just calm down and take 3 deep breaths"!! Ha!!!
Wonder if this kid will someday take her own advice!! :)
Enjoy your HIGH-SPIRITED GIRL!! It's exhausting, especially for this 40something mom. I love it though!!! *if only I can have a smidgen of that energy*
She is SO stinking cute! I just love her dress too. Adorable!
I'd say these gorgeous photos sum up your gorgeous girl~ beauty and spunk!!! blessings and love! XO
Sounds like my Naomi. Runs everywhere. She tries to walk when asked but it always turns to a run, she just can't help it.
LOVE the photo shoot!! BEAUTIFUL GIRL! CUTE hat! Adorable dress! and yes I can see her spirit jump out of those pictures.
P.S. where did you get that dress??
My youngest is that way too. Being a boy he has alot of energy to begin with but he NEVER stops, LOL!! He is full of pure joy.
chicklet was made for hats! My little is super full of energy as well (until you say it's bedtime & then baby girl almost crawls there). Exhausting & wonderful all rolled into one
She is such an adorably little dynamo!!! You can totally see that she is bursting at the seems with energy. What a cutie.......and the hat looks great!! Reags will not leave them on either.
Looks like you got your header all fixed....YAY!
She is just beautiful. I also have a high energy, never sits still and always runs everywhere (unless she NEEDS to hurry). Must be the "spicy Hunan" in them - LOL!!
Hayden has 2 and faster!! When she hits the wall it is fast too!!!
OMGosh...can you say ADOABLE? Gracie is such a beautiful, free spirit...just precious!!
She is adorable. Love the dress!!!! Where did you find it???? May have to pick one up for Mia. :)
How long did the hat last? It looks awfully cute!
She is pure SPUNK!
I love this set of pictures adorable!
LOL! She's awesome. Love her!!! I totally see and feel the energy jumping right out of my screen.
Love the hat.
Full of energy...Love it!!! Sounds just like Miss Kati :):)
Love her dress! Where did you get it?
Oh my goodness, these pictures are priceless. That girl is too funny and absolutely adorable! Life of the party for sure! That dress is awesome too!!
i love GJ in a hat!!! Her eyes!!!! beautiful photo shoot, Jen!!
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