If you've been reading this blog for any amount of time, you've heard me talk about Cade's size and how he has always been much bigger than his peers. You have also heard me talk about how horrible Cade's "terrible twos" were for the both of us! When Cade was 2, Bryce was 7 and Braden was 5. It was painfully clear at that point that I had three VERY different personalities. I alway said that Bryce would be the one to get picked on because he's so sensitive, Braden wouldn't have any problems because he's so easy going and Cade would be the bully. Thankfully, that did not come true and Cade has learned to use his size to his advantage and to the advantage of those who need a little extra help. We have always encouraged him to make sure he's taking up for anyone being bullied.
Last week, he came in from school and started telling me about his day. He said that while they were in the bathroom, a school bully (and his buddies) were picking on a child with special needs. Cade told them to leave him alone. The boy got mad and pushed Cade, who shoved him right back. Cade turned away and this kid punched Cade in the cheek! He punched him hard enough to leave a mark, but not enough to really hurt him. Cade said he wanted to punch him back so bad, but he didn't. When he left the bathroom, he told the teacher that the boys were picking on someone, but didn't tell her about the punch. A little girl who overheard about it ended up telling the teacher. The boys were already in trouble for bulling the other kid but really got in trouble when the full story came out.
I am so proud of Cade. I'm glad he didn't punch the kid back, but don't think I would have been upset if he had. I want him to have the back of those that can't take up for themselves. It is so important! It makes me wish he was a little closer to the girls in age. He would be a great bodyguard for them!! lol...
I hate that he got punched, and that this could happen in school, but it was worth it to take up for a child in need.